上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
水溶性活性酯型生物素化试剂:使用生物素(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu用于生物素标记蛋白质游离氨基的试剂盒。它带有用于标记的LVDS3缓冲粉,用于凝胶过滤的柱和用于柱洗脱的PBS片剂,可以纯化标记的蛋白。由于是单次注射型(10毫克x4瓶),因此可以标记4种不同类型的蛋白质。可以通过改变添加的生物素-(AC5)2 Sulfo-OSu的量来控制标记率。
*标记蛋白的量为1-5 mg。
1. 本试剂盒请在0-5 ℃储存。
2. Biotin-(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu溶液需要现配现用 (由于Biotin-(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu易水解,尽量避免在水溶液的状态保存)。
3. 标记好的蛋白质请在0-5 ℃保存 (加入0.1%的叠氮钠等防腐剂)。
1. 配制溶液
1) NaHCO3缓冲液
2) PBS缓冲液
3) 蛋白质溶液
4) Biotin-(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu溶液
2. 生物素标记操作方法
1) 请参考表1在配制好的蛋白质溶液中加入合适浓度和用量的Biotin-(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu溶液。
2) 盖紧盖子充分混合后,在25 ℃水浴恒温摇床中培养2h。
表1 Biotin-(AC5)2Sulfo-OSu标记各种蛋白质的标记率
a) 1mol蛋白质:生物素的摩尔数
b) 1mol蛋白质上所结合的生物素的摩尔数
3. 蛋白质标记后的凝胶过滤纯化
1) 打开层析柱上的盖子,弃去填充液。
2) 打开层析柱出口的盖子,用PBS分数次洗脱,每根层析柱收集大约10ml的洗脱液,使凝胶平衡。
3) 用移液器吸取500μl标记好的蛋白质溶液加入到层析柱中,弃去此时的流出液。
4) 在层析柱的出口处放置一个2ml的样品管,在层析柱中加入1ml PBS,收集流出的生物素标记蛋白质。
A (mol/l) = (X/MWprotein) × (1,000/Y) × 0.5
Q1:如何存储标记的蛋白质? |
A:将标记的蛋白质存放在冰箱中。另外,添加0.1%叠氮化钠作为防腐剂。 |
Q2:生物素标记试剂在水溶液中稳定吗? |
A:试剂盒中使用的生物素-(AC5)2 Slufo-OSu处于水溶液中时,由于它会水解,因此无法存储在水溶液中。使用前请做好准备。另外,即使在粉末状态下,也要注意由于吸湿引起的劣化。 |
1) J. Wormmeester, F. Stiekema and C. Groot, “Immunoselective Cell Separation”, Methods Enzymol., 1990, 184, 314. |
2) J. J. Leary and D. J. Ward, “Rapid and Sensitive Colorimetric Method for Visualizing Biotin-labeled DNA Probes Hybridized to DNA or RNA Immoilized on Nitrocelulose: Bio-blots”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1983, 80, 4045. |
3) W. T. Lee and D. H. Conrad, “The Murine Lymphocyte Receptor for IgE II. Characterization of the Multvalent Nature of the B Lymphocyte Receptor for IgE”, J. Exp. Med., 1984, 159, 1790. |
4) D. R. Gretch, M. Suter and M. F. Stinski, “The Use of Biotinylated Monoclonal Antibodies and Streptavidin Affinity Chromatography to Isolate Herpesvirus Hydorophobic Proteins or Glycoproteins”, Anal. Biochem., 1987, 163, 270. |
5) M. Shimkus, J. Levy and T. Herman, “A Chemically Cleavable Biotinylated Nucleotide: Usefulness in the Recovery of Protein-DNA Complexes from Avidin Affinity Columns”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1985, 82, 2593. |
6) W. J. LaRochelle and S. C. Froehner, “Immunodhemical Detection of Proteins Biotinylated on Nitrocellulose Replicas”, J. Immunol. Methods, 1986, 92, 65. |
7) P. S. Anjaneyulu and J. V. Staros,”Reactions of N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide Active Esters”, Int. J. Pept. Protein Res., 1987, 30, 117. |
8) H. M. Ingalls, C. M. Goodloe-Holland and E. J. Luna,”Junctional Plasma Membrane Domains Isolated from Aggregating Dictyostelium Discoideum Amebae”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1986, 83, 4779. |
9) J. Guesdon, T. Ternyck and S. Avrameas,”The Use of Avidin-Biotin Interaction in Immunoenzymatic Techniques”, J. Histochem. Cytochem., 1979, 27, 1131. |
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
● 整个标记过程仅需3个小时
● 整个标记过程在1支过滤管中进行
● 荧光标记抗体回收率高
● 适用于50-200 μg的IgG
1. 用该试剂盒标记的蛋白质的分子量要>50,000。
2. 在标记过程中,IgG或者Biotin-IgG标记物始终存在于过滤管的滤膜上。
3. 如果蛋白质溶液中含有分子量>10,000的其他蛋白质,如BSA或明胶时,在使用该试剂盒标记前,先要纯化IgG溶液。IgG溶液能够用IgG Purification Kits (不包含于本试剂盒中) 来纯化。
4. 如果蛋白质溶液含有小的不溶物,离心后取上清液来进行标记。
5. 1管SH-Reactive Biotin可以标记50-200ug蛋白质。
(1)将100μl WS buffer以及含有100μg IgG的样品溶液加入到过滤管中。a)
(3)将150μl WS buffer加入到Reducing agent管中,并用移液器吹打使其溶解。
(4)将100μl Reducing agent溶液转移到过滤管的滤膜上,吹打使IgG在膜上溶解。
(5)37℃培养30分钟。加入100μl Reaction buffer,8,000-10,000g离心10分钟。b)
(6)将10μl DMSO加入到SH-reactive biotin中,吹打使其溶解。c)
(7)将100μl Reaction buffer与8μl SH-reactive biotin溶液加入到过滤管中,吹打使其混合。d)
(8)37℃培养30分钟。将100μl WS buffer加入到过滤管中8,000-10,000g离心10分钟。 b)
(9)加入200μl WS buffer,8,000-10,000g离心10分钟。b)再重复该步骤一次。
(10)加入200μl WS buffer,吹打10-15次来回收标记产物。e)将该溶液转移到0.5ml试管中,在0-5℃下保存。
a) 样品溶液的体积不应超过100ul。如果蛋白质浓度<0.5mg/ml,重复操作步骤1和2直至总的IgG聚积量达到100ug。如果聚积过程中滤液的体积超过400 ul,则在进行后续的离心操作前应除去滤液。
b) 如果溶液在离心后仍然残留在膜上,可以再离心5min或者适当增加转速直至膜上没有残留液体。
c) NH2-Reactive Biotin/SH-Reactive Biotin在管子的底部,向管底加入10ul DMSO,吹打数次使其溶解。
d) 如果IgG的量为200ug,在步骤4时加入所有的NH2-ReactiveBiotin溶液。
e) 并不一定要使用WS Buffer来回收标记产物,可以选择任何适合于该实验的缓冲液来替代。
4、适用于50-200 μg的IgG
Q1:样品溶液中的共存会影响反应吗? |
A:它可能会受到共存类型的影响。确认溶液中包含哪种物质后,根据情况纯化用于标记的蛋白质,并将其用于标记反应。<聚合物:分子量10,000以上>它可能会影响。即使使用Filtration Tube,也无法去除具有氨基的高分子量化合物,例如BSA和明胶。因此,它被标记并充当荧光杂质。 在反应中使用之前,请执行单独的清除操作。另一方面,如果存在许多高分子杂质,即使没有氨基的化合物也可能导致过滤器堵塞。它可能会干扰标记/纯化操作。 *不仅对于生物素标记试剂盒-SH,而且对于其他标记试剂盒,都需要采取相同的预防措施。 |
Q2:标记小分子蛋白质(分子量50,000或以下)的方法。 |
—————————————— PALL Nanocep 3K产品编号OD003C33 PALL Nanocep 10K产品编号OD010C33 —————————————— 离心所需的时间可能比试剂盒中随附的过滤器要长,因此请注意离心时间。 |
Q3:标记后,离心过滤管,液体仍会留在膜上怎么处理? |
A:(1)目视检查隔膜时,如果液体稍微残留在隔膜杯的边缘,请继续执行下面操作。如果倾斜和旋转膜杯时液体残留在膜上或滴下,请以8,000 g离心约15至30分钟。 (2)即使在1)中的离心操作之后,如果液体仍留在膜上,请检查标记物质是否聚集。
根据抗体或蛋白质本身的特性,用小分子标记剂进行标记可能会增加抗体或蛋白质的疏水性并使其聚集。如果在标记的物质上观察到团聚,将其转移到另一个微管中一次,离心并使用上清液。 (回收的抗体/蛋白质的量将减少。)如果上述方法没有帮助,请与公司技术支持联系。 *如果您怀疑过滤器堵塞,可以通过更换新的膜过滤器来解决。 替代品:PALL Nanocep 30K(制造商代码:OD030C33) |
Q4:该试剂盒可以标记什么? |
A:可以标记分子量为“50,000或更高”并且具有[S-S]或[SH]的任何化合物(抗体,蛋白质等)。量为“50-200μg”。 *由于试剂盒中包含的过滤管尺寸为30K,因此无法纯化低分子量化合物。 |
1) E. Terasaka, K. Yamada, P.H. Wang, K. Hosokawa, R. Yamagiwa, K. Matsumoto, S. Ishii, T. Mori, K. Yagi, H. Sawai, H. Arai, H. Sugimoto, Y. Sugita, Y. Shiro and T. Tosha, “Dynamics of nitric oxide controlled by protein complex in bacterial system”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.., 2017, 114, (37), 9888.
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上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
NO.1. Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2 生物素标记-氨基
NO.2. Cell Counting Kit-8 细胞增殖毒性检测
NO.3. Viability/Cytotoxicity Multiplex Assay Kit 细胞活性/毒性双重检测
NO.4. Fluorescein Labeling Kit – NH2 FITC(488激发)标记-氨基
NO.5. Biotin Labeling Kit – SH 生物素标记-巯基
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
● 生物素标记的产品可以在大约2小时内制备。
● 只需将NH2反应性生物素与目标蛋白混合即可形成稳定的共价键。
● 可以标记分子量为50,000或更高的蛋白质。
● 可以标记50-200μg的蛋白质。
● 可以通过使用过滤管的分离操作以高回收率获得标记物质。
● 生物素标记的产品可以与试剂盒中包含的存储溶液一起存储。
NO.1. Cell Counting Kit-8 细胞增殖毒性检测
NO.2. Cytotoxicity LDH Assay Kit-WST 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)检测
NO.3. Fluorescein Labeling Kit – NH2 荧光素标记试剂盒-氨基
NO.4. Peroxidase Labeling Kit – NH2 过氧化物酶标记试剂盒-氨基
NO.5. Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2 (for 1mg) 生物素标记试剂盒-氨基
1. 用本试剂盒标记的蛋白质的分子量要>50,000。
2. 在标记过程中,IgG或者Biotin-IgG标记物始终存在于过滤管的滤膜上。
3. 如果IgG溶液中含有分子量>10,000的其他蛋白质,如BSA或明胶时,在使用该试剂盒标记前,先要纯化IgG溶液。IgG溶液能够用IgG Purification Kits (不包含于本试剂盒中) 来纯化。
4. 如果IgG溶液含有小的不溶物,离心后取上清液来进行标记。
5. 1管NH2-Reactive Biotin可以标记50-200 ug蛋白质。
(1)将100μl WS buffer以及含有100μg IgG的样品溶液加入到过滤管中。a)
(3)将10μl DMSO加入到NH2-reactive biotin中并用移液器吹打使其溶解。c)
(4)将100μl Reaction buffer以及8μl NH2-reactive biotin溶液加入到过滤管中,吹打使其混合。d)
(6)将100μl WS buffer加入到过滤管中,8,000-10,000g离心10分钟,b)除去滤液。
(7)将200μl WS buffer加入到过滤管中,8,000-10,000g离心10分钟,b)重复该步骤一次。
(8)将200μl WS buffer加入到过滤管中吹打10-15次来回收标记产物。e)将该溶液转移到0.5ml试管中,在0-5℃下保存。
a) 样品溶液的体积不应超过100ul。如果蛋白质浓度低于0.5mg/ml,重复操作步骤1和2直至总的蛋白质聚积量达到50-200ug。如果聚积过程中滤液的体积超过400ul,则在进行后续的离心操作前应除去滤液。
b) 如果溶液在离心后仍然残留在膜上,可以再离心5min或者适当增加转速直至膜上没有残留液体。
c) NH2-Reactive Biotin在管子的底部,向管底加入10ul DMSO,吹打数次使其溶解。
d) 如果蛋白质的量为200ug,在操作步骤4时加入所有的NH2-Reactive Biotin-DMSO溶液。
e) 并不一定要使用WS Buffer来回收标记产物,可以选择任何适合于该实验的缓冲液来替代。
Q1:这个试剂盒可以用于标记其他蛋白质吗? |
A:可以。但是如果含有像血清白蛋白或者明胶的蛋白,标记反应可能会受到干扰。用这个试剂盒标记之前,有必要先纯化抗体溶液。如果您想进一步了解纯化过程可以联系我们。 |
Q2:我只有少量的IgG,可以标记吗? |
在此范围内,性能没有太大差异。 可以用10μg IgG进行标记,但是可能会出现诸如背景升高的问题。 |
Q3:样品溶液中的共存会影响反应吗? |
<聚合物:分子量10,000以上>它可能会影响。即使使用Filtration Tube,也无法去除具有氨基的高分子量化合物,例如BSA和明胶。因此,它被标记并充当荧光杂质。 在反应中使用之前,请执行单独的清除操作。另一方面,如果存在许多高分子杂质,即使没有氨基的化合物也可能导致过滤器堵塞。它可能会干扰标记/纯化操作。 *生物素标记试剂盒-不仅需要对NH2采取相同的预防措施,还需要对其他标记试剂盒采取相同的预防措施。 |
Q4:标记小分子蛋白质(分子量50,000或以下)的方法。 |
当标记分子量为50,000或更小的蛋白质时,可以通过更换为分子量分数较小的超滤过滤器来标记甚至很小的蛋白质,如下所示。 —————————————— PALL Nanocep 3K产品编号OD003C33 PALL Nanocep 10K产品编号OD010C33 —————————————— 离心所需的时间可能比试剂盒中随附的过滤器要长,因此请注意离心时间。 |
Q5:标记后,离心过滤管,液体仍会留在膜上怎么处理? |
A:(1)目视检查隔膜时,如果液体稍微残留在隔膜杯的边缘,请继续执行下面操作。如果倾斜和旋转膜杯时液体残留在膜上或滴下,请以8,000 g离心约15至30分钟。
(2)即使在1)中的离心操作之后,如果液体仍留在膜上,请检查标记物质是否聚集。根据抗体或蛋白质本身的特性,用小分子标记剂进行标记可能会增加抗体或蛋白质的疏水性并使其聚集。如果在标记的物质上观察到团聚,将其转移到另一个微管中一次,离心并使用上清液。 (回收的抗体/蛋白质的量将减少。) *如果您怀疑过滤器堵塞,可以通过更换新的膜过滤器来解决。 替代品:PALL Nanocep 30K(制造商代码:OD030C33) |
Q6:该试剂盒可以标记什么? |
A:可以标记分子量为“ 50,000或更高”和反应性氨基(NH2)的化合物(抗体,蛋白质等)。标记样品量为“50-200μg”。
*当考虑标记“ mg”的量时,也可以使用“生物素化试剂盒(Sulfo-OSu);同仁产品货号:BK01”。 *由于试剂盒附带的过滤管为30K,因此无法纯化低分子量化合物。 |
Q7:一个IgG分子能标记多少生物素? |
A:每个IgG分子平均能标记7至10个生物素。 |
Q8:标记产物能保存多久? |
A:在0-5℃下能够保存2个月。如果需要保存更久,可以添加等量的丙三醇,并在-20℃下 (只要该蛋白可以冷冻) 存放。但是,还要注意样品自身是否稳定。 |
Q9:能不能用这个试剂盒标记寡核苷酸和寡肽? |
A:不能,寡核苷酸和寡肽的分子量太小不能使其保留在过滤膜上。请参照Q4。 |
Q10:含有生物素标记蛋白质的活细胞怎么处理? |
A:我们推荐使用PBS (含2-10% FBS) 制备细胞悬液,保持最佳细胞状态。 |
Q11:回收缓冲液 (WS Buffer)对活细胞有危害吗? |
A:没有。WS Buffer含有表面活性剂,它的浓度控制在对细胞没有毒性的范围内。如果您担心WS Buffer中的添加剂,请您使用常用的缓冲液代替。 |
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6) A. Ogawa , M. Sakatsume, X. Wang, Y. Sakamaki, Y. Tsubata, B. Alchi, T. Kuroda, H. Kawachi, I. Narita, F. Shimizu and F. Gejyo, “SM22alpha: the novel phenotype marker of injured glomerular epithelial cells in anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis”, Nephron Exp. Nephrol.., 2007, 106, (3), e77.
7) D. Men, T.T. Zhang, L.W. Hou, J. Zhou, Z.P. Zhang, Y.Y. Shi, J.L. Zhang, Z.Q. Cui, J.Y. Deng, D.B. Wang and X.E. Zhang, “Self-Assembly of Ferritin Nanoparticles into an Enzyme Nanocomposite with Tunable Size for Ultrasensitive Immunoassay”, ACS Nano., 2015, 9, (11), 10852.
8) D. Sugahara, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Akimoto, H. Kawakami, “Mouse intestinal niche cells express a distinct α1,2-fucosylated glycan recognized by a lectin from Burkholderia cenocepacia”, Glycobiology., 2017, 27, (3), 246.
9) H. Sasaki-Iwaoka, M. Ohori, A. Imasato, K. Taguchi, K. Minoura, T. Saito, K. Kushima, E. Imamura, S. Kubo, S. Furukawa and T. Morokata, “Generation and characterization of a potent fully human monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-23 receptor”, Eur. J. Pharmacol.., 2018, 828, 89.
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11) K.S. Tan, K. Kulkeaw, Y. Nakanishi, D. Sugiyama, “Expression of cytokine and extracellular matrix mRNAs in fetal hepatic stellate cells”, Genes Cells., 2017, 22, (9), 836.
12) M. Tahara, S. Ohno, K. Sakai, Y. Ito, H. Fukuhara, K. Komase, M.A. Brindley, P.A. Rota, R.K. Plemper, K. Maenaka and M. Takeda, “The receptor-binding site of the measles virus hemagglutinin protein itself constitutes a conserved neutralizing epitope”, J. Virol.., 2013, 87, (6), 3583.
13) M. Takahashi, Y. Ishida, D. Iwaki, K. Kanno, T. Suzuki, Y. Endo, Y. Homma and T. Fujita, “Essential role of Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 in activation of the complement factor D”, J. Exp. Med.., 2010, 207, (1), 29.
14) N. Hosen, Y. Matsunaga, K. Hasegawa, H. Matsuno, Y. Nakamura, M. Makita, K. Watanabe, M. Yoshida, K. Satoh, S. Morimoto, F. Fujiki, H. Nakajima, J. Nakata, S. Nishida, A. Tsuboi, Y. Oka, M. Manabe, H. Ichihara, Y. Aoyama, A. Mugitani , T. Nakao, M. Hino, R. Uchibori, K. Ozawa, Y. Baba, S. Terakura, N. Wada, E. Morii, J. Nishimura, K. Takeda, Y. Oji, H. Sugiyama, J. Takagi and A. Kumanogoh, “The activated conformation of integrin β7 is a novel multiple myeloma-specific target for CAR T cell therapy”, Nat. Med.., 2017, 23, (12), 1436.
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18) T. Yoshida, N. Shiraki, H. Baba, M. Goto, S. Fujiwara, K. Kume and S. Kume, “Expression patterns of epiplakin1 in pancreas, pancreatic cancer and regenerating pancreas”, Genes Cells., 2008, 13, (7), 667.
19) X. Piao, T. Ozawa, H. Hamana, K. Shitaoka, A. Jin, H. Kishi and A. Muraguchi, “TRAIL-receptor 1 IgM antibodies strongly induce apoptosis in human cancer cells in vitro and in vivo”, Oncoimmunology., 2016, 5, (5), e1131380.
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上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK03 | 生物素标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2 (for 1mg)试剂盒 | LK55 | 生物素标记-氨基(1 mg/sample) |
Biotin Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK10 | 生物素标记-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid Biotin Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK37 | 生物素标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
Biotinylation Kit (Sulfo-OSu)试剂 | BK01 | 生物素标记-氨基(1-5 mg/sample) |
Biotin-PE-maleimide试剂 | B592 | 生物素 |
Biotin-SS-Sulfo-Osu试剂 | B572 | 生物素 |
Biotin-AC5-Osu试剂 | B305 | 生物素 |
Biotin-(AC5)2-Osu试剂 | B306 | 生物素 |
Biotin-Osu试剂 | B304 | 生物素 |
Biotin-PEAC5-maleimide试剂 | B299 | 生物素 |
ARP(Aldehyde Reactive Probe)试剂 | A305 | 生物素 |
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息
Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK03 | 生物素标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2 (for 1mg)试剂盒 | LK55 | 生物素标记-氨基(1 mg/sample) |
Biotin Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK10 | 生物素标记-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid Biotin Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK37 | 生物素标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
Biotinylation Kit (Sulfo-OSu)试剂 | BK01 | 生物素标记-氨基(1-5 mg/sample) |
Biotin-PE-maleimide试剂 | B592 | 生物素 |
Biotin-SS-Sulfo-Osu试剂 | B572 | 生物素 |
Biotin-AC5-Osu试剂 | B305 | 生物素 |
Biotin-(AC5)2-Osu试剂 | B306 | 生物素 |
Biotin-Osu试剂 | B304 | 生物素 |
Biotin-PEAC5-maleimide试剂 | B299 | 生物素 |
ARP(Aldehyde Reactive Probe)试剂 | A305 | 生物素 |
CLAMP F405-Signal Boosting | C554 | 检测细胞表面抗原(免疫荧光法) |
Fluorescein Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK01 | FITC(488激发)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
HiLyte Fluor 555 Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK14 | 荧光素(555激发)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
HiLyte Fluor 647 Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK15 | 荧光素(647激发)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid Fluorescein Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK32 | FITC(488激发)标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid HiLyte Fluor 555 Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK35 | 荧光素(555激发)标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid HiLyte Fluor 647 Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK36 | 荧光素(647激发)标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
FITC-I试剂 | F007 | 荧光素FITC |
Peroxidase Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK11 | 辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Peroxidase Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK09 | 辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
Peroxidase Labeling Kit – NH2 (for 1mg)试剂盒 | LK51 | 辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记-氨基(1 mg/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid Peroxidase Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK33 | 辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
Alkaline Phosphatase Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK12 | 碱性磷酸酶标记(ALP)-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Alkaline Phosphatase Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK13 | 碱性磷酸酶标记(ALP)-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
Isothiocyanobenzyl-EDTA试剂 | M030 | 螯合标记 |
Isothiocyanobenzyl-NTA试剂 | I279 | 蛋白抗体标记 |
FeBABE试剂 | F279 | 蛋白抗体标记 |
AB-NTA free acid试剂 | A459 | 螯合标记 |
Maleimido-C3-NTA试剂 | M035 | N-[5-(3′-马来酰亚胺丙烷基氨基)-1-戊基羧基]亚氨基二乙酸, 二钠盐, 一水合物 |
DTPA anhydride试剂 | D033 | 螯合标记 |
Allophycocyanin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK21 | 藻蓝蛋白(APC)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Allophycocyanin Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK24 | 藻蓝蛋白(APC)标记-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK23 | 藻红蛋白(PE)标记-氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 | LK26 | 藻红蛋白(PE)标记-巯基(50-200ug/sample) |
Ab-10 Rapid R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit试剂盒 | LK34 | R-藻红蛋白(PE)抗体标记-氨基(10 ug/sample) |
ICG Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | LK31 | ICG 标记氨基(50-200ug/sample) |
Sulfo-AC5-SPDP试剂 | S359 | IgG纯化分离 |
DTSSP试剂 | D630 | 交联剂 |
BS3试剂 | B574 | 交联剂 |
DSP试剂 | D629 | 交联剂 |
EMCS试剂 | E018 | 交联剂 |
GMBS试剂 | G005 | 交联剂 |
SPDP试剂 | S291 | 交联剂 |
Sulfo-SMCC试剂 | S330 | 交联剂 |
ELISA法 | FCM | 蛋白质印迹 |
使用的试剂盒:Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒
使用的试剂盒:Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒
使用的试剂盒:Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒 | 使用的试剂盒:Biotin Labeling Kit – SH试剂盒 |
生物素 | 样品数量/类型 | 标记对象 | 产品名称 | 分析方法 |
生物素 | 10μg抗体 | -NH2 | Ab-10 Rapid Biotin Labeling Kit | |
50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | Biotin Labeling Kit -NH2 | ||
-SH | Biotin Labeling Kit -SH | |||
1mg抗体 | -NH2 | Biotin Labeling Kit – NH2 (for 1mg) | ||
1-5 mg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | Biotinylation Kit (Sulfo-OSu) |
使用的试剂盒:Ab-10 Rapid Fluorescein Labeling Kit, Ab-10 Rapid HiLyte Fluor™ 555 Labeling Kit
使用的试剂盒:ICG Labeling Kit – NH2试剂盒
使用的试剂盒:Ab-10 Rapid Fluorescein Labeling Kit
荧光染料 | 样品数量/类型 | 标记对象 | 产品名称 | 分析方法 |
荧光素 | 10μg抗体 | -NH2 | Ab-10 Rapid Fluorescein Labeling Kit | |
50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | Fluorescein Labeling Kit -NH2 | ||
HiLyte Fluor™ | 10μg抗体 | -NH2 | Ab-10 Rapid HiLyte Fluor™ 555 / 647 Labeling Kit -NH2 | |
50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | HiLyte Fluor™ 555 / 647 Labeling Kit -NH2 |
ICG | 50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | ICG Labeling Kit-NH2 |
荧光蛋白 | 样品数量/类型 | 标记对象 | 产品名称 | 分析方法 |
R-藻红蛋白 | 10μg抗体 | -NH2 | Ab-10 Rapid R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit | |
50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit-NH2 | ||
-SH | R-Phycoerythrin Labeling Kit-SH | |||
异花青素 | 50-200μg抗体/蛋白质 | -NH2 | Allophycocyanin Labeling Kit-NH2 | |
-SH | Allophycocyanin Labeling Kit-SH |
VECTOR SBA生物素标记的大豆凝集素
VECTOR SBA生物素标记的大豆凝集素
isolated from Glycine max (soybean) seeds |
Composed of four subunits of approximay equal size, soybean agglutinin is a family of closely related isolectins. This glycoprotein has a molecular weight of about 120,000 and an isoelectric point near pH 6.0. SBA preferentially binds to oligosaccharide structures with terminal a- or b-linked N-acetylgalactosamine, and to a lesser extent, galactose residues. Binding can be blocked by substitutions on penultimate sugars, such as fucose attached to the penultimate galactose in blood group B substance. SBA has been used in glycoprotein fractionation, histochemical applications and cell sorter analysis. |
An important application for SBA is the separation of pluripotential stem cells from human bone marrow. Cells fractionated by SBA do not produce graft vs host disease and can be used in bone marrow transplantation across histocompatibility barriers (references available upon request). It should be noted that some forms of SBA seem to be excellent in separating human cells while others are better for cells of other species. VECTOR SBA生物素标记的大豆凝集素 This biotinylated lectin conjugate is prepared from affinity-purified lectin and is optimally labeled with biotin. Essentially free of inactive lectin conjugate and containing no free biotin, this biotinylated lectin provides an ideal intermediate for examining glycoconjugates using the Biotin-Avidin System. First the biotin-labeled lectin is added, followed by the VECTASTAIN® ABC Reagent, Avidin D conjugate, or streptavidin derivative. Another possible application is in the isolation of lymphokines and other products of mitogenic stimulation. |
Inhibiting/Eluting Sugar: 200 mM N-acetylgalactosamine |
VECTOR生物素Jacalin Biotinylated Jacalin
VECTOR生物素Jacalin Biotinylated Jacalin
isolated from Artocarpus integrifolia (Jackfruit) seeds
Jacalin is a lectin composed of four subunits, two of approximay 10,000 daltons and two of 16,000 daltons each. This 50,000 dalton glycoprotein appears to bind only O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides, preferring the structure galactosyl (b-1,3) N-acetylgalactosamine. This structure (the so-called “T-antigen”) is the oligosaccharide to which peanut agglutinin binds. However, unlike PNA, Jacalin will bind this structure even in a mono- or disialylated form. This lectin has been used to purify human IgA, since no other human immunoglobulin class binds Jacalin (references available upon request). The specificity of this lectin also affords the opportunity to localize or isolate glycoproteins with O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide side chains.
This biotinylated lectin conjugate is prepared from affinity-purified lectin and is optimally labeled with biotin. Essentially free of inactive lectin conjugate and containing no free biotin, this biotinylated lectin provides an ideal intermediate for examining glycoconjugates using the Biotin-Avidin System. First the biotin-labeled lectin is added, followed by the VECTASTAIN® ABC Reagent, Avidin D conjugate, or streptavidin derivative. Another possible application is in the isolation of lymphokines and other products of mitogenic stimulation.
Inhibiting/Eluting Sugar: 800 mM galactose or 100 mM melibiose
VECTOR生物素Jacalin Biotinylated Jacalin 详细产品信息可和选购
VECTOR GNL生物素雪花莲凝集素Biotinylated Galanthus Nivalis
VECTOR GNL生物素雪花莲凝集素Biotinylated Galanthus Nivalis Lectin
The following protocols offer guidelines for assay development using lectin-based detection of glycoproteins
present in tissue sections, adsorbed onto microtiter plates, or transferred from electrophoretic
gels onto nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes.
1a. Staining procedure for paraffin sections: Deparaffinize and hydrate tissue sections through
xylenes or other clearing agents and graded alcohol series and rinse for 5 minutes in tap water.
If required, retrieve antigens using the Antigen Unmasking Solution (H-3300 or H-3301).
1b. Staining procedure for frozen sections: Air dry sections. Immediay before staining, fix
sections with acetone. Transfer slices to buffer. If endogenous enzyme activities are present,
inactivate using appropriate methods.
2. Perform Streptavidin/Biotin blocking if required following kit instructions (SP-2002). Do not
use SP-2001. Block non-specific binding by incubating section with Carbo-Free™ Blocking
Solution (Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Blot excess blocking solution
from the sections.
3. Apply biotinylated lectin at approximay 2-20 μg/ml in PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 150
mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to the sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with
TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase,
ImmPACT™ DAB (Cat. No. SK-4105) is recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Vector® Red
(Cat. No. SK-5100). Rinse in tap water.
6. Counterstain (optional), clear and mount. For galactose or GalNAc-specific lectins avoid mounting
in glycerol-based mounting media.
1. Adsorb target protein to microtiter plate by placing 50-200 μl of approximay 3 μg/ml glycoprotein
solution into the desired wells. Some wells may be left untreated as negative controls. Incubate at
37 ºC for 1 hour. Wash wells three times with TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
2. Block non-specific binding by filling each well to the brim with Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution
(Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
3. Apply 50-200 μl of approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin in PBS to the wells and incubate
for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
wells and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate non-precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For
peroxidase, ABTS (Cat. No. SK-4500) is recommended; for alkaline phophatase, pNPP (Cat. No.
6. Quantify the colored reaction product by spectrophotometry.
Western Blot:
1. Perform electrophoresis and transfer proteins to a membrane according to standard procedures.
2. Block non-specific binding by incubating the membrane in Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution (Cat.
No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Use a sufficient volume to compley cover
the membrane.
3. Incubate membrane in PBS containing approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin for 30 minutes
at room temperature. Wash with TPBS (PBS +0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Incubate the
membrane in the reagent for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase, DuoLuX™
Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent Substrate for Peroxidase (Cat. No. SK-6604) or ImmPACT™ DAB
(Cat. No. SK-4105) are recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent
Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase (Cat. No. SK-6605) or BCIP/NBT (Cat. No. SK-5400) are
Negative Controls
Negative controls should be run in parallel in each of the above described methodologies to validate
binding results. When applying lectins, one of the most appropriate negative controls is to preabsorb
the lectin with a concentration of a defined sugar, with which, the lectin has a known high affinity.
Vector Labs offers a series of sugars that are intended for such a purpose.
The lectin is diluted to a suitable working concentration in a solution containing approximay
200 mM to 500 mM of the sugar. This mixture is left to bind at room temperature for 30 to 60 min.
Following this absorption incubation, the mixture is substituted into the procedure in place of the unabsorbed
lectin and incubated under the same conditions. The subsequent detection procedure is followed
as for the test method. In most cases the vast majority of lectin binding to the tissue section (membrane
blot, etc.) will be eliminated. Some trace binding to the section (blot etc) may still be present under
these conditions and probably indicates presence of secondary or tertiary sugar preferences. These negative
control results should be compared with the test results to determine specificity of binding
VECTOR EEL生物素大叶黄杨Europaeus凝集素
VECTOR EEL生物素大叶黄杨Europaeus凝集素
The following protocols offer guidelines for assay development using lectin-based detection of glycoproteins
present in tissue sections, adsorbed onto microtiter plates, or transferred from electrophoretic
gels onto nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes.
1a. Staining procedure for paraffin sections: Deparaffinize and hydrate tissue sections through
xylenes or other clearing agents and graded alcohol series and rinse for 5 minutes in tap water.
If required, retrieve antigens using the Antigen Unmasking Solution (H-3300 or H-3301).
1b. Staining procedure for frozen sections: Air dry sections. Immediay before staining, fix
sections with acetone. Transfer slices to buffer. If endogenous enzyme activities are present,
inactivate using appropriate methods.
2. Perform Streptavidin/Biotin blocking if required following kit instructions (SP-2002). Do not
use SP-2001. Block non-specific binding by incubating section with Carbo-Free™ Blocking
Solution (Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Blot excess blocking solution
from the sections.
3. Apply biotinylated lectin at approximay 2-20 μg/ml in PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 150
mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to the sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with
TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase,
ImmPACT™ DAB (Cat. No. SK-4105) is recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Vector® Red
(Cat. No. SK-5100). Rinse in tap water.
6. Counterstain (optional), clear and mount. For galactose or GalNAc-specific lectins avoid mounting
in glycerol-based mounting media.
1. Adsorb target protein to microtiter plate by placing 50-200 μl of approximay 3 μg/ml glycoprotein
solution into the desired wells. Some wells may be left untreated as negative controls. Incubate at
37 ºC for 1 hour. Wash wells three times with TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
2. Block non-specific binding by filling each well to the brim with Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution
(Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
3. Apply 50-200 μl of approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin in PBS to the wells and incubate
for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
wells and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate non-precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For
peroxidase, ABTS (Cat. No. SK-4500) is recommended; for alkaline phophatase, pNPP (Cat. No.
6. Quantify the colored reaction product by spectrophotometry.
Western Blot:
1. Perform electrophoresis and transfer proteins to a membrane according to standard procedures.
2. Block non-specific binding by incubating the membrane in Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution (Cat.
No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Use a sufficient volume to compley cover
the membrane.
3. Incubate membrane in PBS containing approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin for 30 minutes
at room temperature. Wash with TPBS (PBS +0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Incubate the
membrane in the reagent for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase, DuoLuX™
Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent Substrate for Peroxidase (Cat. No. SK-6604) or ImmPACT™ DAB
(Cat. No. SK-4105) are recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent
Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase (Cat. No. SK-6605) or BCIP/NBT (Cat. No. SK-5400) are
VECTOR EEL生物素大叶黄杨Europaeus凝集素
Negative Controls
Negative controls should be run in parallel in each of the above described methodologies to validate
binding results. When applying lectins, one of the most appropriate negative controls is to preabsorb
the lectin with a concentration of a defined sugar, with which, the lectin has a known high affinity.
Vector Labs offers a series of sugars that are intended for such a purpose.
The lectin is diluted to a suitable working concentration in a solution containing approximay
200 mM to 500 mM of the sugar. This mixture is left to bind at room temperature for 30 to 60 min.
Following this absorption incubation, the mixture is substituted into the procedure in place of the unabsorbed
lectin and incubated under the same conditions. The subsequent detection procedure is followed
as for the test method. In most cases the vast majority of lectin binding to the tissue section (membrane
blot, etc.) will be eliminated. Some trace binding to the section (blot etc) may still be present under
these conditions and probably indicates presence of secondary or tertiary sugar preferences. These negative
control results should be compared with the test results to determine specificity of binding
VECTOR 生物素曼陀罗凝集素Biotinylated Datura Stramonium Lec
VECTOR 生物素曼陀罗凝集素Biotinylated Datura Stramonium Lectin
The following protocols offer guidelines for assay development using lectin-based detection of glycoproteins
present in tissue sections, adsorbed onto microtiter plates, or transferred from electrophoretic
gels onto nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes.
1a. Staining procedure for paraffin sections: Deparaffinize and hydrate tissue sections through
xylenes or other clearing agents and graded alcohol series and rinse for 5 minutes in tap water.
If required, retrieve antigens using the Antigen Unmasking Solution (H-3300 or H-3301).
1b. Staining procedure for frozen sections: Air dry sections. Immediay before staining, fix
sections with acetone. Transfer slices to buffer. If endogenous enzyme activities are present,
inactivate using appropriate methods.
2. Perform Streptavidin/Biotin blocking if required following kit instructions (SP-2002). Do not
use SP-2001. Block non-specific binding by incubating section with Carbo-Free™ Blocking
Solution (Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Blot excess blocking solution
from the sections.
3. Apply biotinylated lectin at approximay 2-20 μg/ml in PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 150
mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to the sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with
TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase,
ImmPACT™ DAB (Cat. No. SK-4105) is recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Vector® Red
(Cat. No. SK-5100). Rinse in tap water.
6. Counterstain (optional), clear and mount. For galactose or GalNAc-specific lectins avoid mounting
VECTOR 生物素曼陀罗凝集素Biotinylated Datura Stramonium Lectin
in glycerol-based mounting media.
1. Adsorb target protein to microtiter plate by placing 50-200 μl of approximay 3 μg/ml glycoprotein
solution into the desired wells. Some wells may be left untreated as negative controls. Incubate at
37 ºC for 1 hour. Wash wells three times with TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
2. Block non-specific binding by filling each well to the brim with Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution
(Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
3. Apply 50-200 μl of approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin in PBS to the wells and incubate
for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
wells and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate non-precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For
peroxidase, ABTS (Cat. No. SK-4500) is recommended; for alkaline phophatase, pNPP (Cat. No.
6. Quantify the colored reaction product by spectrophotometry.
Western Blot:
1. Perform electrophoresis and transfer proteins to a membrane according to standard procedures.
2. Block non-specific binding by incubating the membrane in Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution (Cat.
No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Use a sufficient volume to compley cover
the membrane.
3. Incubate membrane in PBS containing approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin for 30 minutes
at room temperature. Wash with TPBS (PBS +0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Incubate the
membrane in the reagent for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase, DuoLuX™
Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent Substrate for Peroxidase (Cat. No. SK-6604) or ImmPACT™ DAB
(Cat. No. SK-4105) are recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent
Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase (Cat. No. SK-6605) or BCIP/NBT (Cat. No. SK-5400) are
Negative Controls
Negative controls should be run in parallel in each of the above described methodologies to validate
binding results. When applying lectins, one of the most appropriate negative controls is to preabsorb
the lectin with a concentration of a defined sugar, with which, the lectin has a known high affinity.
Vector Labs offers a series of sugars that are intended for such a purpose.
The lectin is diluted to a suitable working concentration in a solution containing approximay
200 mM to 500 mM of the sugar. This mixture is left to bind at room temperature for 30 to 60 min.
Following this absorption incubation, the mixture is substituted into the procedure in place of the unabsorbed
lectin and incubated under the same conditions. The subsequent detection procedure is followed
as for the test method. In most cases the vast majority of lectin binding to the tissue section (membrane
blot, etc.) will be eliminated. Some trace binding to the section (blot etc) may still be present under
these conditions and probably indicates presence of secondary or tertiary sugar preferences. These negative
control results should be compared with the test results to determine specificity of binding
VECTOR BPL生物素菊紫荆凝集素Biotinylated Bauhinia Purpurea
VECTOR BPL生物素菊紫荆凝集素Biotinylated Bauhinia Purpurea Lectin
The following protocols offer guidelines for assay development using lectin-based detection of glycoproteins
present in tissue sections, adsorbed onto microtiter plates, or transferred from electrophoretic
gels onto nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes.
1a. Staining procedure for paraffin sections: Deparaffinize and hydrate tissue sections through
xylenes or other clearing agents and graded alcohol series and rinse for 5 minutes in tap water.
If required, retrieve antigens using the Antigen Unmasking Solution (H-3300 or H-3301).
1b. Staining procedure for frozen sections: Air dry sections. Immediay before staining, fix
sections with acetone. Transfer slices to buffer. If endogenous enzyme activities are present,
inactivate using appropriate methods.
2. Perform Streptavidin/Biotin blocking if required following kit instructions (SP-2002). Do not
use SP-2001. Block non-specific binding by incubating section with Carbo-Free™ Blocking
Solution (Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Blot excess blocking solution
from the sections.
3. Apply biotinylated lectin at approximay 2-20 μg/ml in PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 150
mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to the sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with
TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase,
ImmPACT™ DAB (Cat. No. SK-4105) is recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Vector® Red
(Cat. No. SK-5100). Rinse in tap water.
6. Counterstain (optional), clear and mount. For galactose or GalNAc-specific lectins avoid mounting
in glycerol-based mounting media.
1. Adsorb target protein to microtiter plate by placing 50-200 μl of approximay 3 μg/ml glycoprotein
solution into the desired wells. Some wells may be left untreated as negative controls. Incubate at
37 ºC for 1 hour. Wash wells three times with TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
2. Block non-specific binding by filling each well to the brim with Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution
(Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
3. Apply 50-200 μl of approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin in PBS to the wells and incubate
for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
wells and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate non-precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For
peroxidase, ABTS (Cat. No. SK-4500) is recommended; for alkaline phophatase, pNPP (Cat. No.
6. Quantify the colored reaction product by spectrophotometry.
Western Blot:
1. Perform electrophoresis and transfer proteins to a membrane according to standard procedures.
2. Block non-specific binding by incubating the membrane in Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution (Cat.
No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Use a sufficient volume to compley cover
the membrane.
3. Incubate membrane in PBS containing approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin for 30 minutes
at room temperature. Wash with TPBS (PBS +0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Incubate the
membrane in the reagent for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase, DuoLuX™
Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent Substrate for Peroxidase (Cat. No. SK-6604) or ImmPACT™ DAB
(Cat. No. SK-4105) are recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent
Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase (Cat. No. SK-6605) or BCIP/NBT (Cat. No. SK-5400) are
Negative Controls
Negative controls should be run in parallel in each of the above described methodologies to validate
binding results. When applying lectins, one of the most appropriate negative controls is to preabsorb
the lectin with a concentration of a defined sugar, with which, the lectin has a known high affinity.
Vector Labs offers a series of sugars that are intended for such a purpose.
The lectin is diluted to a suitable working concentration in a solution containing approximay
200 mM to 500 mM of the sugar. This mixture is left to bind at room temperature for 30 to 60 min.
Following this absorption incubation, the mixture is substituted into the procedure in place of the unabsorbed
lectin and incubated under the same conditions. The subsequent detection procedure is followed
as for the test method. In most cases the vast majority of lectin binding to the tissue section (membrane
blot, etc.) will be eliminated. Some trace binding to the section (blot etc) may still be present under
these conditions and probably indicates presence of secondary or tertiary sugar preferences. These negative
control results should be compared with the test results to determine specificity of binding
The following protocols offer guidelines for assay development using lectin-based detection of glycoproteins
present in tissue sections, adsorbed onto microtiter plates, or transferred from electrophoretic
gels onto nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes.
1a. Staining procedure for paraffin sections: Deparaffinize and hydrate tissue sections through
xylenes or other clearing agents and graded alcohol series and rinse for 5 minutes in tap water.
If required, retrieve antigens using the Antigen Unmasking Solution (H-3300 or H-3301).
1b. Staining procedure for frozen sections: Air dry sections. Immediay before staining, fix
sections with acetone. Transfer slices to buffer. If endogenous enzyme activities are present,
inactivate using appropriate methods.
2. Perform Streptavidin/Biotin blocking if required following kit instructions (SP-2002). Do not
use SP-2001. Block non-specific binding by incubating section with Carbo-Free™ Blocking
Solution (Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Blot excess blocking solution
from the sections.
3. Apply biotinylated lectin at approximay 2-20 μg/ml in PBS (10 mM sodium phosphate, 150
mM NaCl, pH 7.4) to the sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with
TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
sections and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase,
ImmPACT™ DAB (Cat. No. SK-4105) is recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Vector® Red
(Cat. No. SK-5100). Rinse in tap water.
6. Counterstain (optional), clear and mount. For galactose or GalNAc-specific lectins avoid mounting
in glycerol-based mounting media.
1. Adsorb target protein to microtiter plate by placing 50-200 μl of approximay 3 μg/ml glycoprotein
solution into the desired wells. Some wells may be left untreated as negative controls. Incubate at
37 ºC for 1 hour. Wash wells three times with TPBS (PBS + 0.05% Tween™20).
2. Block non-specific binding by filling each well to the brim with Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution
(Cat. No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
3. Apply 50-200 μl of approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin in PBS to the wells and incubate
for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Apply to the
wells and incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash wells three times with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate non-precipitating substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For
peroxidase, ABTS (Cat. No. SK-4500) is recommended; for alkaline phophatase, pNPP (Cat. No.
6. Quantify the colored reaction product by spectrophotometry.
Western Blot:
1. Perform electrophoresis and transfer proteins to a membrane according to standard procedures.
2. Block non-specific binding by incubating the membrane in Carbo-Free™ Blocking Solution (Cat.
No. SP-5040) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Use a sufficient volume to compley cover
the membrane.
3. Incubate membrane in PBS containing approximay 2-20 μg/ml biotinylated lectin for 30 minutes
at room temperature. Wash with TPBS (PBS +0.05% Tween™20).
4. Prepare VECTASTAIN®
® ABC (peroxidase, Cat. No. PK-6100) or VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP
(alkaline phosphatase, Cat. No. AK-5000) reagents according to the kit instructions. Incubate the
membrane in the reagent for 30 minutes at room temperature. Wash with TPBS.
5. Apply an appropriate substrate for the enzyme system used in step 4. For peroxidase, DuoLuX™
Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent Substrate for Peroxidase (Cat. No. SK-6604) or ImmPACT™ DAB
(Cat. No. SK-4105) are recommended; for alkaline phosphatase, Chemiluminescent/Fluorescent
Substrate for Alkaline Phosphatase (Cat. No. SK-6605) or BCIP/NBT (Cat. No. SK-5400) are
Negative Controls
Negative controls should be run in parallel in each of the above described methodologies to validate
binding results. When applying lectins, one of the most appropriate negative controls is to preabsorb
the lectin with a concentration of a defined sugar, with which, the lectin has a known high affinity.
Vector Labs offers a series of sugars that are intended for such a purpose.
The lectin is diluted to a suitable working concentration in a solution containing approximay
200 mM to 500 mM of the sugar. This mixture is left to bind at room temperature for 30 to 60 min.
Following this absorption incubation, the mixture is substituted into the procedure in place of the unabsorbed
lectin and incubated under the same conditions. The subsequent detection procedure is followed
as for the test method. In most cases the vast majority of lectin binding to the tissue section (membrane
blot, etc.) will be eliminated. Some trace binding to the section (blot etc) may still be present under
these conditions and probably indicates presence of secondary or tertiary sugar preferences. These negative
control results should be compared with the test results to determine specificity of binding
上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。
3´ –脱硫生物素标记 GTP 中无 RNase 和切刻酶污染。
有关该产品特性和应用的相关文献请登陆 www.neb-china.com 或 www.neb.com。