伯乐蛋白测定试剂盒Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay KitBIO-RAD 5000201

伯乐蛋白测定试剂盒Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay Kit

  • 产品型号:  BIO-RAD 5000201
  • 简单描述
  • 伯乐蛋白测定试剂盒Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay KitColorimetric assay kit, includes 1x dye reagent (1 L), BSA standard (5 x 2 mg/ml); 200 standard assays or 4,000 microplate assays

伯乐蛋白测定试剂盒Quick Start Bradford Protein Assay Kit

Colorimetric assay kit, includes 1x dye reagent (1 L), BSA standard (5 x 2 mg/ml); 200 standard assays or 4,000 microplate assays

伯乐银染SDS-PAGE电泳Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Standards LowBIO-RAD 1610314

伯乐银染SDS-PAGE电泳Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Standards Low

  • 产品型号:  BIO-RAD 1610314
  • 简单描述
  • 伯乐银染SDS-PAGE电泳Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Standards Low200 μl, low range standards (14,400–97,400 MW), unstained mixture of six proteins

伯乐银染SDS-PAGE电泳Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Standards Low 161-0314

We are discontinuing the Silver Stain SDS-PAGE Low Range Standards (catalog # 161-0314) item on August 31, 2011. Any remaining stock will continue to be sold. We recommend that you try the following replacement products: Precision Plus Protein™ Unstained Standards (161-0363), or SDS-PAGE unstained low (161-0304), high (161-0303), broad (161-0317) standards




whatmanPH试纸 9.5-12PH测试纸 whatman2631-990特点:l 直接测定PH值l 广泛PH测试的常规校准l 廉价l 便携式,易于野外使用这种的中间是用于测PH值的指示剂,两边8个或更多不同颜色片段是这种指示剂对应的比色卡。测定溶液的PH值时,试纸中间的指示剂颜色发生变化,与比色卡上相对应的颜色做比较

whatmanPH试纸 9.5-12PH测试纸 whatman2631-990 
英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991CF型条形试纸由四段组成,每段带有不同的PH指示剂,试纸条下面有塑料支架。不同颜色组合,使PH值读数结果清晰、准确。所有的染料化学结合到纸上,不会沥虑到溶液中而污染样品,也不会与待测溶液发生化学反映而出现读数误差。
英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991的详细介绍:
英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991 Whatman为您提供一个宽范围的PH试纸和检测纸产品,PH试纸使用方便,读数迅速准确,在实验室以及工业化生产中都有广泛的应用。
whatmanPH试纸 9.5-12PH测试纸 whatman2631-990 特点:
l 直接测定PH值
l 广泛PH测试的常规校准
l 廉价
l 便携式,易于野外使用
用于检测氯和其他氧化剂。在酸性溶液中,氧化剂与试纸上的碘化物反应释放出碘,试纸在氧化剂(如,CL2, Br2,H2O2,HNO2等)存在时变蓝。
  9.5-12PH测试纸 whatman2631-990 




whatmanPH试纸2600-100A特点:l 直接测定PH值l 广泛PH测试的常规校准l 廉价l 便携式,易于野外使用TC型盘状试纸由三种不同颜色的指示剂条带组成。测PH值时,颜色发生变化,与盘上印有的色码进行比较,可以快速准确的读出结果。SR型盘状试纸

英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991CF型条形试纸由四段组成,每段带有不同的PH指示剂,试纸条下面有塑料支架。不同颜色组合,使PH值读数结果清晰、准确。所有的染料化学结合到纸上,不会沥虑到溶液中而污染样品,也不会与待测溶液发生化学反映而出现读数误差。
英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991的详细介绍:
英国Whatman*PH试纸0-14 100条装2613-991 Whatman为您提供一个宽范围的PH试纸和检测纸产品,PH试纸使用方便,读数迅速准确,在实验室以及工业化生产中都有广泛的应用。
whatmanPH试纸2600-100A 特点:
l 直接测定PH值
l 广泛PH测试的常规校准
l 廉价
l 便携式,易于野外使用
用于检测氯和其他氧化剂。在酸性溶液中,氧化剂与试纸上的碘化物反应释放出碘,试纸在氧化剂(如,CL2, Br2,H2O2,HNO2等)存在时变蓝。


双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color StandBIO-RAD代理 1610374

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

  • 产品型号:  BIO-RAD代理 1610374
  • 简单描述
  • 双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standards #161-0374

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color StandBIO-RAD代理 1610374

500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications


  • Description
  • 技术指标


MW size range, kD 10–250
Stain type Dual Color
Volume, µl 500
Total number of applications 50
Shelf life at –20°C, months 12
Loading volume on mini gels, µl for Coomassie staining, 10
Loading volume on mini gels, µl for fluorescent blot detection, 5 of 1:10 dilution
Application Type
Monitoring electrophoretic separation for SDS-PAGE gels Yes
Molecular weight sizing on SDS-PAGE gels Yes
Monitoring blot transfer efficiency Yes
Fluorescence blots Yes
Molecular weight sizing on N/A
Loading Volume on Mini Gels
For Coomassie staining, µl N/A
For stain-free gels, µl N/A
For silver staining, µl N/A
For SYPRO Ruby staining, µl N/A
For blot development, µl N/A
StrepTactin conjugate working dilutions for colorimetric blot development N/A
StrepTactin conjugate working dilutions for chemiluminescence blot development N/A

The Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color standards are a mixture of ten recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), including eight blue-stained bands and two pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD).

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

Applications and Uses

Choose Precision Plus Protein Dual Color standards for SDS-PAGE:

  • Monitoring electrophoretic separation
  • Molecular weight sizing
  • Monitoring blot transfer efficiency with easy orientation via multicolor standards
  • Fluorescent blot detection, with blue bands visualized in the red wavelength range and pink bands in the green wavelength (prepare a 1:10 dilution of the Dual Color standard and load 5 µl per well)

More Information

Loading buffer:
30% (w/v) glycerol, 2% SDS, 62.5 mM Tris, pH 6.8, 50 mM DTT, 5 mM EDTA, 0.02% NaN3, 0.01% bromophenol blue


MILLIPORE Quantum TEX (Organex 树脂) 纯化柱QTUM0TEX1

MILLIPORE Quantum TEX (Organex 树脂) 纯化柱


MILLIPORE Quantum TEX (Organex 树脂) 纯化柱,去除纯水中痕量的离子和有机物,适用于对有机物敏感的分析应用。基本原理与Q-gard相似,离子交换过滤,去除有机物效果更好。自带RFID标签,机器可智能识别纯化柱信息,检验与纯水机是否匹配。







30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺30% Acrylamide/Bis SolutionBIO-RAD代理 1610157

30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution

  • 产品型号:  BIO-RAD代理 1610157
  • 简单描述
  • 30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution2 x 500 ml, 30% acrylamide and bis-acrylamide solution, 29:1

30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution

伯乐30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺溶液29:1*现货供应 161-0157

聚丙烯酰胺是一种由自由基丙烯酰胺聚合和共单体交联剂(如甲叉双丙烯酰胺 (bis))形成的常用电泳基质。 可靠的电泳结果取决于该反应的可重复性,从而使高度纯化的起始试剂成为衡量凝胶质量的重要因素。 Bio-Rad 的纯度为 99.9% 的丙烯酰胺经过了严格的纯化和测试,以确保达到均匀聚合所需的质量。 丙烯酰胺可以三种形式提供,以满足每个实验室的需求:

  • 丙烯酰胺粉末 — 丙烯酰胺和甲叉双丙烯酰胺粉末允许对浓度和丙烯酰胺/甲叉双丙烯酰胺比率进行调整
  • 预混丙烯酰胺/甲叉双丙烯酰胺粉末 — 预先定量允许通过添加一定量的水直接在瓶内制备 30 到 50% 的储备溶液
  • 丙烯酰胺溶液 — 提供两种现成的浓度(30% 和 40%)以及三种丙烯酰胺/甲叉双丙烯酰胺比率(19:1、29:1 和 37.5:1)

孔径确定: %T 和 %C
介绍聚丙烯酰胺凝胶时会涉及确定孔径的两个参数。 单体总浓度或 %T 定义为:

%T =(丙烯酰胺克数 + 交联剂克数)/总体积 (ml) x 100%

交联剂的重量百分比或 %C 定义为:

%C = 交联剂克数/(丙烯酰胺克数 + 交联剂克数)x 100%


在 4°C 下储存丙烯酰胺溶液。所有其他试剂应存放在室温、干燥且远离阳光直射的环境下。


30%甲叉双丙烯酰胺30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution  详细产品信息可和选购




MILLIPORE水箱空气过滤器/空气净化器,用于 Elix 系统的 30/60/100L PE 水箱的空气过滤器



产品目录编号    TANKMPK01
描述    用于 Elix 系统的 30/60/100L PE 水箱的空气过滤器
应用    Advanced protection against airborne contaminants. For Elix® water stored in 30/60/100 PE storage tanks


概要:Vent Filter for 30/60/100L PE reservoirs with Elix(用于Elix系统的30/60/100L PE水箱的空气过滤器),可过滤二氧化碳



Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Pierce抗体 20398

Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应

  • 产品型号:  Pierce抗体 20398
  • 简单描述
  • hermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Host / Isotype: RabbitClass:Polyclonal Type: AntibodySpecies Reactivity: Human (Hu) Murine (Ms) Rat WB

hermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应

IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody

Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Pierce抗体 20398

Printable Datasheet


Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Pierce抗体 20398

View 1 Product Image

IL-33 Antibody for Western blot

>> See 3 other antibodies for IL33

Entrez Gene ID:

(Human) 90865

UniProt ID:



Host / Isotype: Rabbit
Class: Polyclonal
Type: Antibody
Species Reactivity: Human (Hu) Murine (Ms) Rat (Rt)
Immunogen: A 19 amino acid peptide from near the center of human IL-33.
Ordering Information
Pierce IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody
Product Number Pkg. Size Price Purchase
PA5-20398 100 ug Purchase »

Storage: Stored at -20ºC, avoid repeated freeze thaw cycles
Form: 100 ug of affinity chromatography purified antibody (1 mg/ml) in PBS containing 0.02% sodium azide.


Applications Dilution *
Western Blot (WB) 1 ug/ml

* Suggested working dilutions are given as a guide only. It is recommended that the user titrates the product for use in their own experiment using appropriate negative and positive controls.


Product Specific Information
PA5-20398 targets IL-33 in WB applications and shows reactivity with Human, Murine, and Rat samples.

The PA5-20398 immunogen is a 19 amino acid peptide from near the center of human IL-33.

General Information
Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a recently identified member of the IL-1 family of cytokines whose other members include IL-1-a/beta, IL-1Ra and IL-18. Its receptor has been shown to be ST2, an IL-1 receptor family member that also acts as a negative regulator of TLR-IL-1R signaling and IL-1R accessory protein (IL-1RAcP). Receptor binding of IL-33 activates NF-kappa-B and MAP kinases and induces the expression of TH2-associated cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6. Prolonged IL-33 treatment of mice led to the development of eosinophilia, splenomegaly, and severe pathological changes in mucosal organs such as lungs, esophagus and small intestine. Recent experiments have shown that IL-33 can also co-localize with heterochromatin and possesses transcriptional repressor activities, indicating that IL-33 may function as both a proinflammatory cytokine and an intracellular nuclear factor with transcriptional regulatory properties.


Product Images

Filter : All ApplicationsWB (1 imgs)


  • WB using PA5-20398

    Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Pierce抗体 20398

    Western Blot with anti-IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody (PA5-20398)

    View Product Details >>

    Western blot analysis of IL-33 in human lymph node tissue lysate with IL-33 antibody at (A) 1 and (B) 2 ug/mL.

    … more >>


  • WB using PA5-20398

    Thermo抗体代理IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody Pierce抗体供应Pierce抗体 20398

    Western Blot with anti-IL-33 Polyclonal Antibody (PA5-20398)

    View Product Details >>

    Western blot analysis of IL-33 in human lymph node tissue lysate with IL-33 antibody at (A) 1 and (B) 2 ug/mL.

    … more >>






四孔细胞培养板176740 六孔 12孔 24孔 48孔细胞培养板NUNC1767404孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面4/120NUNC1406756孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面1/75NUNC15062812孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面1/75NUNC14247524孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△

四孔细胞培养板176740 六孔 12孔 24孔 48孔细胞培养板

NUNC    176740    4孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面    4/120
NUNC    140675    6孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面    1/75
NUNC    150628    12孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面    1/75
NUNC    142475    24孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面    1/75
NUNC    150687    48孔细胞培养板,带盖,已灭菌,Nunclon△表面    1/75
多孔细胞培养板 NunclonTMΔ 表面

·通过 NunclonTMΔ 认证
·现在还提供 Poly-D-Lysine 和 Collagen I 预包被的 6 孔细胞培养板盖

Nunc 多孔细胞培养板聚苯乙烯,带盖

目录编号 176740* 167063 140675 140685 152035 152034 167064 150628
孔数 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 12
表面 NunclonΔ NunclonΔ NunclonΔ NunclonΔ Poly-D-Lysine Collagen I,鼠尾 NunclonΔ NunclonΔ
底部形状 平底 平底 平底 平底 平底 平底 平底 平底
已灭菌 + + + + + +
建议工作容量 ml/孔 1 5 3 3 3 3 3 2
培养面积 cm2/孔 1.9 21.8 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 10.5 3.5
外部尺寸 mm 66×66 128×86 128×86 128×86 128×86 128×86 128×86 128×86
数量 每包/箱 4/120 10/100 1/75 5/85 5/20 5/20 10/100 1/75

 * 176242EU

Nunc 多孔细胞培养板,聚苯乙烯,带盖,已灭菌

目录编号 142475* 142485* 150687 152640
孔数 24 24 48 48
底部形状 平底 平底 平底 平底
建议工作容量 ml/孔 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5
培养面积 cm2/孔 1.9 1.9 1.1 1.1
外部尺寸 mm 128×86 128×86 128×86 128×86
数量 每包/箱 1/75 5/85 1/75 5/85

 * 新的 24 孔细胞培养板;142475 和 142485 代替了 143982 和 146485




pall过滤器P/N4480P/N:4480 AcroCap 正压过滤器,PES 膜,0.2um,15cm2,带排气孔,10 个/盒,单独灭菌包装1-3升溶液的快速/正压过滤装置*疏水通气孔防止气阻发生*0.1μm的Supor膜可除支原体*伽玛射线消毒完全可靠*适配于多种正压系统过滤介质:Suport(亲水性聚醚砜)外壳:改性丙烯酸通气孔:0.2μmPTFE


P/N:4480 AcroCap 正压过滤器,PES 膜,0.2um,15cm2,
带排气孔,10 个/盒,单独灭菌包装


santacruz G蛋白PLUS-琼脂糖Protein G PLUS-AgaroseSC-2002

santacruz G蛋白PLUS-琼脂糖Protein G PLUS-Agarose

  • 产品型号:  SC-2002
  • 简单描述
  • Protein G PLUS-Agarose is suitable for immunoprecipitation of mouse IgG1,IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3, rat IgG1, IgG2a, santacruz G蛋白PLUS-琼脂糖Protein G PLUS-AgaroseIgG2b and IgG2c, rabbit and goat polycl

santacruz  G蛋白PLUS-琼脂糖Protein G PLUS-Agarose

Protein G PLUS-Agarose
Immunoprecipitation Reagent: sc-2002
Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. 1.800.457.3801 831.457.3800 831.457.3801 Europe +00800 4573 8000 49 6221 4503 0 www.scbt.com
Protein G PLUS is provided as an agarose conjugate for use in immunoprecipitation
only. The product is provided as 0.5 ml agarose in 2.0 ml PBS buffer
with 0.02% azide. Protein G PLUS-Agarose is pre-blocked with BSA to reduce
non-specific immunoglobulin binding. Sufficient product is provided for 100
immunoprecipitation reactions, to be used at 20 μl resuspended volume per
Protein G PLUS-Agarose is suitable for immunoprecipitation of mouse IgG1,
IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3, rat IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG2c, rabbit and goat polyclonal
Abs, and human IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4.
• Incubate cultured cells (80-90% confluent monolayer in 100 mm cell culture
plate, or approximay 2-5 x 107 suspension cells in flask) in methioninefree
medium containing 5% dialyzed fetal calf serum for 1 hour at 37° C.
The same procedure can be used for cells labeled with other radioactive
amino acids (e.g., 14C or 3H) or with γ32P-orthophosphate. Cell labeling must
be carried out in medium lacking the relevant amino acid or in phosphatefree
• Remove medium and replace with 3 ml methionine-free medium containing
5% dialyzed fetal calf serum and 100 μCi/ml 35S-methionine. Incubate 1
hour at 37° C. For some proteins a longer labeling period (up to 18 hours)
is preferable.
• Carefully remove radioactive medium with Pasteur pipette and wash cell
monolayer with PBS.
• Add 3 ml ice cold RIPA buffer to cell monolayer and incubate at 4° C for
10 minutes. For suspension cells, add the RIPA buffer to washed cell pellet
in a 15 ml conical centrifuge tube.
• Disrupt cells by repeated aspiration through a 21 gauge needle and transfer
to a 15 ml conical centrifuge tube.
• Wash cell culture plate with additional 1.0 ml ice cold RIPA buffer and
combine with original extract.
• Pellet cellular debris by centrifugation at 10,000 xg for 10 minutes at 4° C.
Transfer supernatant to a fresh 15 ml conical centrifuge tube on ice.
Preclear lysate (optional step) by adding 1.0 μg of the appropriate control
IgG (normal mouse, rat, rabbit or goat IgG, corresponding to the host
species of the primary antibody), together with 20 μl of resuspended
volume of Protein G PLUS-Agarose. Incubate at 4° C for 30 minutes.
• Pellet beads by centrifugation at 2,500 rpm (approximay 1,000 xg) for
5 minutes at 4° C. Transfer supernatant (cell lysate) to a fresh 15 ml conical
centrifuge tube on ice.
• Transfer 1 ml of the above cell lysate, or approximay 100-500 μg total
cellular protein, to a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube. Add 1-10 μl (i.e., 0.2-2 μg)
primary antibody (optimal antibody concentration should be determined by
titration) and incubate for 1 hour at 4° C.
• Add 20 μl of resuspended volume of Protein G PLUS-Agarose. Cap tubes
and incubate at 4° C on a rocker platform or rotating device for 1 hour to
• Collect immunoprecipitates by centrifugation at 2,500 rpm (approximay
1,000 xg) for 5 minutes at 4° C. Carefully aspirate and discard radioactive
• Wash pellet 4 times with 1.0 ml RIPA buffer (more stringent) or PBS (less
stringent), each time repeating centrifugation step above.
• After final wash, aspirate and discard supernatant and resuspend pellet in
40 μl of 1x electrophoresis sample buffer.
• Boil samples for 2–3 minutes and analyze 20 μl aliquots by SDS-PAGE and
autoradiography. Unused samples may be stored at -20° C.
• Optional: After boiling, samples may be centrifuged to pellet the agarose
beads followed by SDS-PAGE analysis of the supernatant.
1. Medema, R., et al. 1998. p21waf1 can block cells at two points in the cell
cycle, but does not interfere with processive DNA-replication or stressactivated
kinases. Oncogene 16: 431-441.
2. Marzo, I., et al. 1998. Bax and adenine nucleotide translocator cooperate
in the mitochondrial control of apoptosis. Science 281: 2027-2031.
3. Song, Y., et al. 2011. Ligand-dependent corepressor acts as a novel corepressor
of thyroid hormone receptor and represses hepatic lipogenesis in
mice. J. Hepatol. 56: 248-254.
4. Beard, R.S., et al. 2012. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 mediates
phosphorylation of vascular endothelial cadherin and nuclear localization
of β-catenin in response to homocysteine. Vascul. Pharmacol. 56: 159-167.
Store at 4° C, do not freeze; stable for one year from the date of shipment.
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Immunoprecipitation agarose conjugates are pre-blocked with BSA to reduce non-specific immunoglobulin
binding and are provided at a concentration (0.5 ml agarose/2.0 ml) suitable for use at 20 μl per
immunoprecipitation reaction. Number of reactions: 100.





密理博Stericup-VP 过滤器Stericup-VP 过滤器 SCVPU11RE 技术指标材料装置聚苯乙烯膜如表中所示过滤面积,cm240处理体积,mL150 至 1000Z高操作温度,°C45灭菌方法γ 射线照射预过滤膜可将一个 AP20 玻璃纤维圆片预过滤膜置于漏斗中滤膜之上,用一个调整卡片将其固定,以用于难以过滤的溶液。 预过滤膜必须单独订购:目录编号

  密理博Stericup-VP 过滤器Stericup-VP 过滤器 SCVPU11RE技术指标

装置 聚苯乙烯
过滤面积,cm2 40
处理体积,mL 150 至 1000
zui高操作温度,°C 45
灭菌方法 γ 射线照射
可将一个 AP20 玻璃纤维圆片预过滤膜置于漏斗中滤膜之上,用一个调整卡片将其固定,以用于难以过滤的溶液。 预过滤膜必须单独订购:目录编号 AP20 075 00,100 个/包装。

  密理博Stericup-VP 过滤器Stericup-VP 过滤器 SCVPU11RE订购信息 
装有快速流和低蛋白质吸附 0.1µm Millipore Express (PES) 膜,用于水溶液除菌过滤和支原体去除;无菌包装

目录编号 产品名称 漏斗容量,mL 接收装置 数量/包装
SCVPU02RE Stericup-VP 过滤器 250 250 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCVPU11RE Stericup-VP 过滤器 1000 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12

装有快速流和低蛋白质吸附 0.22µm Millipore Express PLUS (PES) 膜,用于对水溶液进行除菌的过滤器;无菌包装

目录编号 产品名称 漏斗容量,mL 接收装置 数量/包装
SCGPU01RE Stericup-GP 过滤器 150 150 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGPU02RE Stericup-GP 过滤器 250 250 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGPU05RE Stericup-GP 过滤器 500 500 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGPU10RE Stericup-GP 过滤器 500 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGPU11RE Stericup-GP 过滤器 1000 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12

* These products have been tested for use in stem cell research applications. To determine their effects on Mouse Stem Cell growth or differentiation, three lots of Stericup-GP devices were used to filter media with LIF. Once filtered, this media was used to passage mouse stem cells five times to verify that Stericup-GP filtration does not impact pluripotency of mouse stem cells.
  过滤器Stericup-VP 过滤器 SCVPU11RE装有超低蛋白质吸附 0.22µm Durapore (PVDF) 膜,用于对水溶液除菌过滤;无菌包装

目录编号 产品名称 漏斗容量,mL 接收装置 数量/包装
SCGVU01RE Stericup-GV 过滤器 150 150 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGVU02RE Stericup-GV 过滤器 250 250 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGVU05RE Stericup-GV 过滤器 500 500 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGVU10RE Stericup-GV 过滤器 500 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCGVU11RE Stericup-GV 过滤器 1000 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12

装有超低蛋白质吸附 0.45µm Durapore (PVDF) 膜,用于对水溶液澄清过滤;无菌包装

目录编号 产品名称 漏斗容量,mL 接收装置 数量/包装
SCHVU01RE Stericup-HV 过滤器 150 150 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCHVU02RE Stericup-HV 过滤器 250 250 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCHVU05RE Stericup-HV 过滤器 500 500 mL 瓶,带盖 12
SCHVU11RE Stericup-HV 过滤器 1000 1000 mL 瓶,带盖 12

EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商3473-1

EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商

  • 产品型号:  3473-1
  • 简单描述
  • EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商Recommended ApplicationsWB, IHC, ICC, IP, FC

EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商

Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody



Autophagy is a process of bulk protein degradation in which cytoplasmic components, including organelles, are enclosed in double-membrane structures called autophagosomes and delivered to lysosomes or vacuoles for degradation. Atg12 is the human homolog of a yeast protein involved in autophagy (1). It is essential for Atg12 conjugation, and the ATG12-ATG5 conjugate is necessary to form autophagic vesicles (2). The E3-like activity of the Atg12-Atg5 conjugate potentiates the formation of Atg8-PE; making the autophagic pathway analogous to ubiquitin-like pathways where an E3 conjugation ligase is required (3).

Recommended Applications


Applications and Recommended Dilution Factors

WB: 1:1,000-10,000
IHC: 1:50-100
ICC: 1:100-250
IP: 1:10-100
FC: 1:10-100

Species Reactivity *


*Species cross-reactivity is based on WB analysis

Products Data


EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商3473-1 EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商3473-1 EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商3473-1
Western blot analysis on (A) THP-1, (B) HepG2, (C) Raji, and (D) fetal kidney lysates using anti-Atg12 RabMAb (cat. #3473-1). Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human colon tissue using anti-Atg12 RabMAb (cat. #3473-1). Western blot analysis on (A) Atg12 transfected 293T and (B) 293T lysates using anti-Atg12 RabMAb (cat. #3473-1).


A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues in human Atg12 was used as an immunogen.

Storage Condition and Buffer

Store at -20 °C. Buffer: Antibody buffer, sodium azide, glycerol, and BSA. Stable for 12 months from date of receipt.

Alternative Names

ATG12 antibody, APG12 antibody, APG12L antibody, FBR93 antibody, HAPG12 antibody, Ubiquitin-like protein ATG12 antibody, Autophagy-related protein 12 antibody

Description References

1. Entrez Gene: gene-centered information at NCBI. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33:D54-8.
2. Phillips AR et al. Genetics. 2008 Mar;178(3):1339-53.
3. Williams RA et al. Autophagy. 2009 Feb;5(2):159-72.






Product Name Catalog #
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) HRP 3053-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG polymerized HRP 3051-1
Cell Lysis Buffer 3500-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG HRP Antibody 3056-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 405 3063-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 488 3064-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 550 3065-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 594 3066-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 633 3067-1
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DyLight® 650 3068-1


EPTOMICS代理Atg12 (ATG12) antibody Eptomics公司抗体供应商 


MBL抗体代理Human LC3 Polyclonal Antibody MBL公司PM036

MBL抗体代理Human LC3 Polyclonal Antibody MBL公司

  • 产品型号:  PM036
  • 简单描述
  • MBL抗体代理Human LC3 Polyclonal Antibody MBL公司Human LC3 Polyclonal AntibodySize: 100 ?L Application: FCM IC IPP IHC WB Clone Number: Polyclonal

MBL抗体代理Human LC3 Polyclonal Antibody MBL公司

SOURCE: This antibody was purified from rabbit serum
using protein A agarose. The rabbit was immunized with
the recombinant human LC3 [MAP1LC3B (1-120 aa)].
FORMULATION: 100 ?L volume of PBS containing
50% glycerol, pH 7.2. No preservative is contained.
STORAGE: This antibody solution is stable for one year
from the date of purchase when stored at -20oC.
REACTIVITY: This antibody reacts with LC3
(MAP1LC3A, B, C) on Western blotting,
Immunoprecipitation, Immunohistochemistry,
Immunocytochemistry and Flow cytomrtry. It does not
react with GABARAP and GATE-16.
MBL抗体代理Human LC3 Polyclonal Antibody MBL公司

Western blotting; 1:1,000 for chemiluminescence detection
Immunoprecipitation; 2 ?L/300 ?L of cell extract from
1 x 107 cells
Immunohistochemistry; 1:1,000-1:2,000
Heat treatment is necessary for paraffin embedded
Microwave oven; 2 times for 10 minutes each in 10 mM
citrate buffer (pH 6.3)
Immunocytochemistry; 1:200-1:500
Flow cytometry; 1:200 (final concentration)
Detailed procedure is provided in the following



密理博微量层析柱ZTC18S960 ZipTipZTC18S960

密理博微量层析柱ZTC18S960 ZipTip


密理博微量层析柱ZTC18S960 ZipTipZipTip® 微量层析柱ZipTip 是一种*带有约 0.6 µL 的层析介质 10µL 吸管尖,不会出现死体积。 它是在质谱分析、HPLC、毛细管电泳及其它分析技术之前的快速(数秒钟)浓缩和纯化多肽、蛋白质或寡核苷酸的理想选择。 说明: ZipTip 微量层析柱,具有 0.6 µL C18树脂商标名: ZipTip

密理博微量层析柱ZTC18S960 ZipTip

ZipTip® 微量层析柱

ZipTip 是一种*带有约 0.6 µL 的层析介质 10µL 吸管尖,不会出现死体积。 它是在质谱分析、HPLC、毛细管电泳及其它分析技术之前的快速(数秒钟)浓缩和纯化多肽、蛋白质或寡核苷酸的理想选择。
说明: ZipTip 微量层析柱,具有 0.6 µL C18树脂
商标名: ZipTip
应用: 多肽或小蛋白的脱盐和浓缩
操作温度范围,°C: 4–70
pH 范围: 1.5–13.5;当 24 小时接触时,为 2–12
兼容自动控制: No
Tip 长度,mm: 31
结合能力: 当分析物达到饱和时,通常为 5 µg
Tip 外径 (顶),mm: 5.8
Tip 内径 (顶),mm: 3.375
树脂材质: 硅珠,15 µm,孔径 200 埃
移液器吸头体积,µL: 10
柱床体积,µL: 0.6
残留体积,µL: 0.2
无菌: 非无菌

Merck Millipore密理博S-Pak滤膜 0.22um白色网格膜GSWG047S6

Merck Millipore密理博S-Pak滤膜 0.22um白色网格膜


Merck Millipore密理博S-Pak滤膜 0.22um白色网格膜,S-Pak 网格滤膜,无菌独立包装,使用混合纤维素酯制成,经优化,适合对水或其它液体进行 MF 方法微生物分析。

Merck Millipore密理博S-Pak滤膜 0.22um白色网格膜

说明: S-Pak 滤膜,0.22µm 47mm 白色网格

商标名: S-Pak

数量/包装: 600

应用: 微生物分析

滤膜材质: Mixed Cellulose Esters

滤膜孔径,µm: 0.22

包装: S-Pak 滤膜,单独密封,带蓝色隔膜纸,无菌

滤膜直径,mm: 47

滤膜颜色: 白色

产品名称: S-Pak 无菌滤膜

滤膜表面: 网格

无菌: 无菌

S-Pak 网格滤膜,无菌独立包装,使用混合纤维素酯制成,经优化,适合对水或其它液体进行 MF 方法微生物分析。

Merck Millipore密理博S-Pak滤膜 0.22um白色网格膜类型 HA (0.45 µm) 适合整体大肠菌群或酵母菌和霉菌分析;类型 HC (0.7 µm) 适合粪大肠菌群分析,其中膜的漏斗型的孔增强了受压有机体回收率;类型 RA (1.2 µm) 适合酵母菌和霉菌分析,用于难以过滤的液体。

HAWG/HCWG 类型膜的质量证书证实符合标准的方法。微生物检测膜灭菌独立包装孔径0.22um直径47mm

Biovision公司Beclin 1 Antibody3663-100

Biovision公司Beclin 1 Antibody

  • 产品型号:  3663-100
  • 简单描述
  • Biovision公司Beclin 1 AntibodyAlternative Name: BECN1 , GT197 , Beclin-1 , beclin1 , ATG6 , VPS30

Antibody Target: Beclin 1

Biovision公司Beclin 1 Antibody

Alternative Name: BECN1 , GT197 , Beclin-1 , beclin1 , ATG6 , VPS30

Host: Rabbit

Antibody Type: Polyclonal

Isotype: Rabbit IgG

Immunogen: Synthetic peptide corresponding to residues around amino acid 25 of mouse Beclin 1

Accession#: O88597

Gene ID: 56208

Appearance: Colorless liquid

Concentration: 0.2 mg/ml

Formulation: 100 µg (0.2mg/ml) protein A purified rabbit anti-Beclin 1 polyclonal antibody in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% BSA, 50% glycerol, and 0.02% thimerosal.

Purification: Affinity purified

Species Reactivity: human, mouse

Application: Western blot

Application & Usage: Western blotting (0.5-2 µg/ml). However, the optimal concentrations should be determined individually. Other applications have not been tested. The antibody recognizes ~53 kDa beclin 1 in Jurkat cell lysate. A weak band of ~110 kDa (possibly dimer) can also be observed in Jurkat cells. In mouse intestine tissue lysate, the antibody recognizes a ~100 kDa band (possibly dimer). Reactivity to other species has not been tested.

Biovision公司Beclin 1 Antibody

Storage Temp.: -20 °C

Shipping: gel pack

Background Descriptions: Beclin is a Bcl-2 binding protein. Its structure includes a Bcl-2 binding coiled-coil region, and a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES). Beclin protein colocalizes with intracytoplasmic organelles and nuclei in normal COS7 and MCF7 cells. Beclin interaction with Bcl-2 may be involved with host viral defense, since over expression of beclin inhibits Sindbis virus replication and expression of beclin lacking the Bcl-2 binding domain has no antiviral effects.

Handling: The antibody solution should be gently mixed before use.

Usage: For Research Use Only! Not to be used in humans.

