PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit酶试剂盒Takara

PrimeScript High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara R022A PrimeScript High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit 50 Rxns ¥1,351 PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit
Takara R022B (A × 4) PrimeScript High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit 50 Rxns × 4 ¥4,866 PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit
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PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit PrimeScript™ High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit
■ 制品内容 (Code No.: R022A : 50 次量*1)
PrimeScript RTase (for 2 step) 25 μl
5×PrimeScript Buffer 200 μl
RNase Inhibitor (40 U/μl) 25 μl
dNTP Mixture (10 mM each) 50 μl
Oligo dT Primer (2.5 μM) 50 μl
Random 6 mers (20 μM) 50 μl
PrimeSTAR Max Premix (2×) 625 μl × 2
Control F-1 Primer*2 (20 μM) 10 μl
Control R-1 Primer*3 (20 μM) 10 μl
Positive Control RNA (2×105 copies/μl) 20 μl
RNase Free dH2O 1 ml
*1 反转录反应20 μl、PCR反应50 μl,2 Step RT-PCR时可使用50次。
*2 Positive Control RNA用上游引物。
*3 Positive Control RNA用下游引物。
Limited Use Label License: [M54]  
■ 制品说明
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction;聚合酶链式反应) 是一种体外扩增目的DNA的方法。虽然原理上PCR法是扩增DNA,RNA不能直接被扩增,但是经过反转录酶的作用将RNA反转录成cDNA后进行扩增 (RT-PCR),PCR法便可应用于RNA的解析了。目前,此方法已广泛应用于RNA的构造解析、cDNA的克隆及RNA水平上的表达解析等多种领域。
PrimeScript High Fidelity RT-PCR Kit是一种对Total RNA及mRNA合成cDNA时具有高保真性的RT-PCR用试剂盒。
本试剂盒中使用的反转录酶是Takara改良的M-MLV新型反转录酶PrimeScript RTase,PCR时使用了对cDNA扩增时具有很高保真性的DNA聚合酶PrimeSTAR MAX DNA Polymerase。因PrimeSTAR MAX是兼具高保真性与高扩增效率的预混型酶,模板浓度适用范围广,可用于高保真性的cDNA克隆等重要反应中。
2 Step RT-PCR作为本试剂盒的标准操作流程,2 Step RT-PCR操作流程具有以下优点:
1. 能够高效率地获得高保真性的RT-PCR扩增产物。
2. 在42℃条件下反转录反应也可以使具有复杂结构的RNA进行良好的延伸。
3. 反应体系中Total RNA的使用范围非常宽广,便于使用。
本试剂盒含有反转录反应及PCR扩增反应所需要的全部试剂。并且,也可以进行1 Step RT-PCR反应。
■ 保存
注意:PrimeSTAR MAX Premix (2×) 反复冻融25次后,已确认其活性没有发生改变,但要注意尽量避免冻融次数过多。
■ 试剂盒特点
使用2 Step RT-PCR标准操作流程时
       RNA模板   适用于所有RNA
       扩增片段大小   6 kb产物
       反转录酶   PrimeScript RTase (反应温度在42℃)
       DNA Polymerase   PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase (2×premix)
       RNase Inhibitor   必须使用 (Kit中含有)
1st strand cDNA合成用引物   Random 6 mers、Oligo dT Primer、特异性下游引物可供选择
使用1 Step RT-PCR操作流程时
       RNA模板   适用于所有RNA
       扩增片段大小   6 kb产物
       反转录酶   PrimeScript RTase (反应温度50℃)
       DNA Polymerase   PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase (2×premix)
       RNase Inhibitor   必须使用 (Kit中含有)
1st strand cDNA合成用引物   使用特异性下游引物 (PCR扩增反应用反义链引物)
  (不可使用Random 6 mers及Oligo dT Primer)
       操 作   在同一个反应管中可连续进行RT-PCR反应

页面更新:2020-08-07 11:00:00

TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1酶试剂盒Takara

TaKaRa RNA LA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara RR012A TaKaRa RNA LA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 100 Rxns ¥2,168 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1
收藏产品 加入购物车


※ 上表中产品货期不定,请您在下单前咨询当地代理商。
TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1 TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1
■ 制品内容 (100 次量*1)
AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL (5 U/μl) (来源于Avian Myeloblastosis Virus) 50 μl
RNase Inhibitor*2 (40 U/μl) 25 μl
Random 9 mers*2 (50 pmol/μl) 50 μl
Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer (2.5 pmol/μl) 50 μl
RNase Free dH2O 1 ml
TaKaRa LA Taq (5 U/μl) 25 μl
M13 Primer M4*2 (20 pmol/μl) 50 μl
10X RNA PCR Buffer 120 μl
    100 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.3)  
    500 mM KCl  
10X LA PCR Buffer II (Mg2+ Free) 500 μl
dNTP Mixture (各10 mM) 150 μl
MgCl2 (25 mM) 1 ml
Control F-1 Primer*2 (20 pmol/μl) (Positive Control RNA下游引物) 25 μl
Control R-1 Primer*2 (20 pmol/μl) (Positive Control RNA上游引物) 25 μl
Positive Control RNA*2 (2 × 105 copies/μl)
(Transcribed poly(A)+ RNA of pSPTet3 plasmid)
25 μl
*1:本试剂盒可用于100次反应 (总反应量:RT 反应10 μl, PCR反应 50 μl)
引物名称 各引物序列
Random 9 mers
Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer
       包含dT区域及M13 Primer M4序列。
Control F-1 Primer
Control R-1 Primer
M13 Primer M4
*3:【Positive Control RNA】
本试剂盒中的Control RNA是以pSPTet3质粒 (质粒中的SP6启动子下游插入长约1.4 kbp的pBR322来源的DNA片段,其DNA片段上含有抗四环素基因) 为模板由SP6 RNA聚合酶经体外转录而得到的。Control RNA (约1.4 kb) 是带有30个A碱基的具有Poly(A)+ 尾的RNA。当把Control RNA经RT-PCR合成的双链cDNA插入质粒时,该质粒便可获得四环素抗性。Control RNA简图见图1。
TaKaRa RNA LA PCR™ Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1
图1. Positive Control RNA:使用各种引物所能扩增的DNA片段
■ 制品说明
TaKaRa RNA LA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.1.1使用TaKaRa LA Taq酶,实现反转录后的更长更准确的PCR反应。TaKaRa LA Taq酶是Takara Bio公司研制的LA (long and accurate) PCR*反应的关键组成。
本试剂盒利用LA Technology的优势特点,用AMV (Avian Myeloblastosis Virus) 来源的反转录酶,由RNA反转录至cDNA,然后再在同一反应管中用TaKaRa LA Taq扩增此cDNA,操作简单,使用方便。本试剂盒中的Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer的特别设计,使从Poly (A)+ RNA 3’端合成cDNA的效率更高,从而可以利用3’-RACE法高效扩增RNA的3′端未知区域。
*:U.S.Patent 5,436,149 for LA Technology is owned by TAKARA BIO INC.
■ 保存
■ 特点
  ~12 kb
  AMV Reverse Transcriptase (反转录反应温度在42℃~60℃)
DNA Polymerase
  TaKaRa LA Taq
RNase Inhibitor
  Random 9 mers或Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer或特异性下游PCR Primer 可供选择
  RT反应时使用Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer
  PCR反应时下游引物使用M13 Primer M4
操 作
  在同一反应管中进行 (反转录酶在进行PCR反应前须进行高温失活)
■ 使用注意
1. 当同时需要进行多个反转录反应或PCR反应时,应先配制各种试剂的混合液 (其中包括RNase Free dH2O、Buffer、dNTP Mixture、MgCl2等),然后再分装到每个反应管中。这样,可使所取的试剂体积更准确,减少试剂损失,避免重复分取同一试剂。同时也可以减少实验操作或实验之间产生的误差。
2. 使用Reverse Transcriptase (AMV)、RNase Inhibitor、TaKaRa LA Taq 等试剂时,应轻轻混匀,避免起泡;分取之前要小心地离心收集到反应管底部;由于酶保存液中含有50%的甘油,粘度高,分取时应慢慢吸取。
3. 酶制品应在实验前才从-20℃中取出,使用后也应立即放回-20℃中保存。
4. 分装试剂时务必使用新的枪头,以防止样品间污染。
5. PCR反应条件
6. 引物选择
用于反转录的引物可视实验具体情况选择Random 9 mers、Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer或特异性下游引物。对于不具有Hairpin构造的短链mRNA,3种引物中的任何一种都可以使用,但一般应按以下方法进行选择。
Random 9 mers
  用Random 9 mers合成的cDNA进行PCR反应时,使用任何一对特异性引物都能获得良好的扩增。
Oligo dT-AdaptorPrimer
  适用于具有Poly(A)+ Tail的RNA。(注意:原核生物的RNA、真核生物Primer 的rRNA及tRNA以及某些种类的真核生物的mRNA不具有Poly(A)+ Tail)。本Primer设计巧妙,反转录效率高。反转录反应后,可用M13 Primer M4进行3’-RACE实验。
特异性下游PCR Primer

页面更新:2022-07-13 11:51:01

TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0酶试剂盒Takara

TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara RR019A TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 100 Rxns ¥1,683 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0
Takara RR019B (A × 2) TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 100 Rxns × 2 ¥3,024 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0 TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0
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※ 上表中产品货期不定,请您在下单前咨询当地代理商。
■ 制品内容 (Code No.: RR019A : 100 次量*1)
AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL (5 U/μl) (Avian Myeloblastosis Virus来源)
50 μl
RNase Inhibitor (40 U/μl) 25 μl
Random 9 mers*2 (50 pmol/μl) 50 μl
Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer (2.5 pmol/μl) 50 μl
RNase Free dH2O 1 ml
TaKaRa Ex Taq HS (5 U/μl) 25 μl
M13 Primer M4*2 (20 pmol/μl) 50 μl
10 × RT Buffer [100 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.3),500 mM KCl] 1 ml
5 × PCR Buffer 1 ml
dNTP Mixture (各10 mM) 150 μl
MgCl2 (25 mM) 1 ml
Control R-1 Primer*2 (20 pmol/μl) (Positive Control RNA下游引物) 25 μl
Control F-1 Primer*2 (20 pmol/μl) (Positive Control RNA上游引物) 25 μl
Positive Control RNA*3 (2 × 105 copies/μl)
(Transcribed poly(A)+ RNA of pSPTet3 plasmid)
25 μl
*1:1次反应即10 μl RT及 50 μl PCR
引物名称 各引物序列
Random 9 mers
Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer
       包含dT区域及M13 Primer M4序列。
Control F-1 Primer
Control R-1 Primer
M13 Primer M4
*3:Positive Control RNA
本试剂盒中的Control RNA是以pSPTet3质粒 (质粒中的SP6启动子下游插入长约1.4 kb的pBR322来源的DNA片段,其DNA片段上含有抗四环素基因) 为模板由SP6 RNA聚合酶经体外转录而得到的。Control RNA (约1.4 kb) 是带有30个A碱基的具有Poly(A)+ 尾的RNA。当把Control RNA经RT-PCR合成的双链cDNA插入质粒时,该质粒便可获得四环素抗性。Control RNA简图见图1。
TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0
图1. Positive Control RNA:使用各种引物所能扩增的DNA片段
■ 制品说明
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction;聚合酶链式反应) 是一种体外扩增DNA的简单而有效的方法。虽然原理上PCR法是扩增DNA,RNA不能直接被扩增,但是经过反转录酶的作用把RNA反转录成cDNA后,PCR法便可应用于RNA的解析了。目前,此方法已广泛应用于RNA的构造解析、cDNA的克隆及RNA水平上的表达解析等多种领域。
TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit Ver.3.0是使用AMV (Avian Myeloblastosis Virus) 由来的反转录酶将RNA合成cDNA,然后在同一反应管中使用Hot Start PCR用TaKaRa Ex Taq HS DNA聚合酶扩增此cDNA的RT-PCR试剂盒。本试剂盒含有从RNA到cDNA,然后使用PCR法扩增此cDNA所需的全部试剂,可实现简单高效的RNA分析。
本试剂盒中的Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer的特殊设计,大大地提高了Poly(A)+ RNA 3′端区域的cDNA合成效率。Hot Start PCR用DNA聚合酶TaKaRa Ex Taq HS的应用,避免扩增前由于错配或引物二聚体产生的非特异性扩增。
■ 保存
本试剂盒使用AMV由来的反转录酶由RNA合成cDNA,并可在同一反应管中使用TaKaRa Ex Taq HS扩增此cDNA。Random 9 mers、Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer或特异性下游引物等均可作为反转录引物用于cDNA合成。Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer同时适用于3′-RACE实验。
TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit (AMV) Ver.3.0
图2. RNA PCR的原理
■ 特点
  ≤5 kb
  AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL
DNA Polymerase
  TaKaRa Ex Taq HS
RNase Inhibitor
  必须使用 (Kit中含有)
  Random 9 mers、Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer或 特异性下游PCR Primer 可供选择
  RT反应时使用Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer,PCR反应时下游引物使用M13 Primer M4
操 作
  在同一反应管中进行 (反转录酶在进行PCR反应前须进行高温失活)
■ 反转录反应时Primer的选择
Random 9 mers
  适用于长的或具有Hairpin构造的RNA。包括rRNA、mRNA、tRNA等在内的所有RNA的反转录反应都可使用本引物。 用Random 9 mers合成的cDNA进行PCR反应时,必须使用特异性引物。
Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer
  适用于具有Poly(A)+ Tail的RNA。(注意:原核生物的RNA、真核生物 Primer 的rRNA及tRNA以及某些种类的真核生物的mRNA不具有Poly (A)+ Tail)。 本Primer设计巧妙,反转录效率高。反转录反应后,可用M13 Primer M4进行3′-RACE实验。
特异性下游PCR Primer
■ 注意事项
1. 当同时需要进行数次反转录反应或PCR反应时,应先配制各种试剂的混合液 (Master Mix;其中包括RNase Free dH2O、Buffer、dNTP Mixture、MgCl2等),然后再分装到每个反应管中。这样,可使所取的试剂体积更准确,减少试剂损失,避免重复分取同一试剂。同时也可以减少实验操作或实验之间产生的误差。
2. 使用Reverse Transcriptase、RNase Inhibitor、TaKaRa LA Taq 酶等酶类时,应轻轻混匀,避免起泡;分取之前要小心地离心收集到反应管底部;由于酶保存液粘度高,分取时应慢慢吸取。
3. 酶制品应在实验前才从-20℃中取出,使用后也应立即放回-20℃中保存。
4. 分装试剂时务必使用新的枪头 (Tip),以防止样品间污染。
5. 最佳的PCR条件,因PCR扩增仪的不同而不同,所以在使用您的样品之前最好先试做一下Control反应,以确定最佳的PCR条件。

页面更新:2022-07-13 11:56:12

TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)酶试剂盒Takara

TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara RR024A TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) 50 Rxns ¥1,472 TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
Takara RR024B (A × 2) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) 50 Rxns × 2 ¥2,653 TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
收藏产品 加入购物车


※ 上表中产品货期不定,请您在下单前咨询当地代理商。
TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
■ 制品内容 (Code No.: RR024A : 50 次量)
AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL*1 (5 U/μl) 50 μl
RNase Free dH2O 1 ml × 2 支
RNase Inhibitor (40 U/μl) 50 μl
AMV-Optimized Taq (5 U/μl) 50 μl
10X One Step RNA PCR Buffer 250 μl
dNTP Mixture (各10 mM) 250 μl
MgCl2 (25 mM) 500 μl
Control F-1 Primer (20 μM)*1
(Positive Control RNA用上游引物)
25 μl
Control R-1 Primer (20 μM)*1
(Positive Control RNA用下游引物)
25 μl
Positive Control RNA*3 (2×105 copies/μl)
(poly A+ RNA transcribed from pSPTet3 plasmid)
25 μl
引物名称 各引物序列
*2:本试剂盒中的Control RNA是以pSPTet3质粒 (质粒中的SP6启动子下游插入长约1.4 kb的pBR322来源的DNA片段,其DNA片段上含有抗四环素基因) 为模板由SP6 RNA聚合酶经体外转录而得到的。
TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
图1. Positive Control RNA:进行Control实验时所能扩增的DNA片段
■ 制品说明
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction;聚合酶链式反应) 是一种体外扩增DNA的简单而有效的方法。虽然原理上PCR法是扩增DNA,RNA不能直接被扩增,但是经过反转录酶的作用把RNA反转录成cDNA后,PCR法便可应用于RNA的解析了。目前,此方法已广泛应用于RNA的构造解析、cDNA的克隆及RNA水平上的表达解析等多种领域。
本试剂盒采用了一步反应法 (One Step法) 完成RT-PCR反应。RNA→cDNA→PCR反应操作在同一反应体系中进行,反应中途不需添加任何试剂,就可以完成由AMV (Avian Myeloblastosis Virus) 由来的反转录酶从RNA反转录为cDNA,再由AMV-Optimized Taq (根据LA PCR技术研制) 扩增cDNA的全部反应。
常规RT-PCR试剂盒采用2 step PCR进行连续反应,并分别配制反应液,这些操作增加了污染的可能性,而本试剂盒可降低污染,并且提供的AMV-Optimized Taq可用于LA PCR。本试剂盒中含有进行One Step法RT-PCR反应用的全部试剂,可以简便而有效地对RNA进行扩增分析。
■ 保存
■ One Step RT- PCR的原理
TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV) 可在同一反应管中完成由AMV 反转录酶从RNA反转录为cDNA,再使用AMV-Optimized Taq扩增此cDNA的RT-PCR反应。
TaKaRa One Step RNA PCR Kit (AMV)
图2. One Step RT-PCR原理图
■ 特点
      RNA模板      适用于所有RNA
      扩增片段大小      ~5.6 kb
      反转录酶     AMV Reverse Transcriptase XL (反转录反应温度在42℃~60℃)
      反转录引物      特异性下游引物(PCR扩增反应用反义链引物)(不可以使用 Oligo dT primer和 Random primer)
      DNA Polymerase      AMV-Optimized Taq
      RNase Inhibitor      Kit中含有
      操作      在同一反应管中连续进行 (PCR反应前加热使RTase失活)
■ 注意事项
1. 当同时需要进行数次RT-PCR反应时,应先配制各种试剂的混合液(Master Mix;其中包括RNase Free dH2O、Buffer、dNTP Mixture、MgCl2 等),然后再分装到每个反应管中。这样,可使所取的试剂体积更准确,减少试剂损失,避免重复分取同一试剂。同时也可以减少实验操作或实验之间产生的误差。
2. 使用RTase、RNase Inhibitor、AMV-Optimized Taq酶等酶类时,应轻轻混匀,避免起泡;分取之前要小心地离心收集到反应管底部;由于酶保存液中含有50%的甘油,粘度高,分取时应慢慢吸取。
3. 酶制品应在实验前才从-20℃中取出,使用后也应立即放回-20℃中保存。
4. 为了防止Positive Control RNA分解,应尽量避免反复冻融。有条件的实验室最好保存于-70℃~-80℃。
5. 分装试剂时务必使用新的枪头 (Tip),以防止样品间污染。
6. 使用本试剂盒进行反转录反应时必须使用特异性的反转录引物,Random 9 mers、Oligo dT Primer不能使用。

页面更新:2022-07-13 13:15:41

BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1酶试剂盒Takara

BcaBEST RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara RR023A BcaBEST RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 100 Rxns ¥1,200 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
Takara RR023B (A × 2) BcaBEST RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 100 Rxns × 2 ¥2,300 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
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BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1 BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
■ 制品内容 (Code No.: RR023A : 100次量*1) BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
BcaBEST Polymerase (22 U/μl) 50 μl
RNase Inhibitor (40 U/μl) 25 μl
Random 9 mers (50 μM) 50 μl
Oligo dT Primer (50 μM) 50 μl
RNase Free dH2O 1 ml
Bca-Optimized Taq (5 U/μl) 25 μl
2 × Bca lst Buffer 1.25 ml × 2 支
5 × Bca 2nd Buffer 800 μl
dNTP Mixture (各10 mM) 50 μl
MgSO4 (25 mM) 500 μl
Control F-1 Primer*2 (20 μM) 25 μl
Control R-1 Primer*3 (20 μM) 25 μl
Positive Control RNA (2 × 105 copies/μl) 25 μl
*1 反转录反应10 μl,PCR反应体系50 μl,可使用100次。
*2 Positive Control RNA用上游引物。
*3 Positive Control RNA用下游引物。
■ 制品说明
PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction;聚合酶链式反应)是一种体外扩增DNA的简单而有效的方法。虽然原理上PCR法是扩增DNA,RNA不能直接被扩增,但是经过反转录酶的作用把RNA反转录成cDNA后,PCR法便可应用于RNA的解析了。目前,此方法已广泛应用于RNA的构造解析、cDNA的克隆及RNA水平上的表达解析等多种领域。
本试剂盒含有从RNA反转录到cDNA以及扩增此cDNA所必需的全部试剂,即用Bacillus caldotenax来源的BcaBEST Polymerase从RNA合成cDNA,然后在同一试管内加入应用LA PCR技术研制的Bca-Optimized Taq扩增此cDNA。此外,使用BcaBEST Polymerase进行反转录反应的最适温度是65℃,所以对具有复杂二级结构的RNA特别适合。
■ 各种引物的序列
引物名称 各引物序列
Random 9 mers   5′-NNNNNNNNN-3′
Oligo dT Primer   包含Takara特别设计的dT区域。本序列与TaKaRa RNA PCR Kit(AMV)Ver.3.0(Code No. RR019A/B)及TaKaRa RNA LA PCR Kit(AMV)Ver.1.1(Code No. RR012A)中的Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer的序列不同,没有M13 Primer M4区域。
Control F-1 Primer   5′-CTGCTCGCTTCGCTACTTGGA-3′
Control R-1 Primer   5′-CGGCACCTGTCCTACGAGTTG-3′
■ 试剂盒的原理
BcaBEST™ RNA PCR Kit Ver.1.1
■ 试剂盒特点
  适用于所有RNA (对富含GC的mRNA及具有复杂二级结构的mRNA特别有效)
   5 kb以下
   BcaBEST Polymerase (最适温度65℃)
   Bca-Optimized Taq
RNase Inhibitor
   必须使用 (试剂盒中含有)
  Random 9 mers、Oligo dT-Adaptor Primer或 特异性下游PCR Primer 可供选择
操 作
   在同一反应管中进行 (反转录酶在进行PCR反应前须进行高温失活)

页面更新:2019-12-23 14:28:52

RT-PCR 试剂盒 – EcoDry Premix酶试剂盒Takara

RT-PCR 试剂盒 – EcoDry Premix
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Clontech 639549 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) 24 Rxns ¥1,967 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639547 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) 48 Rxns ¥2,894 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639548 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) 96 Rxns ¥5,166 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639543 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) 24 Rxns ¥1,967 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639541 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) 48 Rxns ¥2,894 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639542 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) 96 Rxns ¥5,166 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639546 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) 24 Rxns ¥1,967 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639544 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) 48 Rxns ¥2,894 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
Clontech 639545 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) 96 Rxns ¥5,166 RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix
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RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix是用于反转录PCR的方便即用型冻干品。该系列产品可轻松完成第一链cDNA合成。每个预混合管含有反转录酶和反转录PCR所需的所有其他组分。只需添加PCR级别水和模板即可。
· 环保型
· 冻干型可实现室温保存和运输
· Clontech前所未有的方便性和易用性
产品详情请点击:RT-PCR 试剂盒 - EcoDry Premix

页面更新:2020-10-13 11:40:08

SMART 5’ RACE & 3’ RACE酶试剂盒Takara

品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Clontech 634913 Marathon cDNA Amplification Kit 5 cDNA & 100 PCR Rxns ¥9,800 SMART 5’ RACE & 3’ RACE SMART 5’ RACE & 3’ RACE SMART 5’ RACE & 3’ RACE
Clontech 634858 SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit 10 Rxns ¥8,143
Clontech 634859 SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit 20 Rxns ¥15,472
Clontech 634499 SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit (no competent cells) 20 Rxns ¥12,331
Clontech 634922 Universal Primer Mix 100 Rxns ¥1,709

*红字为促销价格,促销时间: 2022年9月1日-2022年10月31日

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由于产品升级,从即日起,您订购的SMARTer RACE试剂盒(634858/59)中的组分In-Fusion HD Cloning Kit (Code No. 639648)将陆续替换为性能更高的In-Fusion® Snap Assembly Master Mix (Code No. 638947),该组分数量保持不变,请以实际收到的产品为准。如需含HD组分的旧版说明书或产品组分列表文件,请邮件联络
■ 制品说明
RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) 是一种获得RNA转录本全长序列的技术。利用RACE技术可以根据转录本中的一小段已知序列获得转录本的5′端 (5′RACE-PCR) 或3′端 (3′RACE-PCR) 序列。
SMARTer RACE 5’/3′ Kit(Code No. 634858/59)是优化升级的试剂盒,具有更高的灵敏、更低的背景和更高的特异性。
采用SMART技术,以poly A+ 或总RNA为起始,合成的第一链cDNA可直接进行5′和3′RACE-PCR,不需要adaptor连接等步骤,整个流程更快、更易操作。SMART RACE 还结合了强有力的抑制性PCR,显著地减少了RACE实验中的弥散现象,是获得全长cDNA的有效方法。
SMARTer RACE 5’/3′ Kit(Code No. 634858/59)包含了除基因特异性引物外的所有组分,流程更精简。使用这一个试剂盒,即可以在8小时内完成第一链cDNA合成到克隆RACE片段的流程,并在第二天就可以挑取克隆进行分析。试剂盒包含了性能优良的SeqAmp DNA Polymerase,对于长片段或高GC含量等高难度片段的扩增也适用;NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up kit用于纯化PCR产物; 高效无缝克隆In-Fusion Snap Assembly Master Mix;高效率感受态细胞Stellar Competent Cells*
* SMARTer® RACE 5’/3′ Kit (no competent cells) (634499)为不含感受态细胞的包装形式,便于长时间存放,组分的选择空间更大,实验搭配更灵活。另有高转化效率的感受态细胞单品Stellar化学转化感受态细胞供您选择,满足多种实验需求。
1. 更便捷的操作
采用SMARTer RACE 技术,可以在一管内完成两步反应。只需很少的操作RNA和新合成cDNA的步骤,整个实验只需4小时。
2. 只需10 ng总RNA
SMARTer RACE 尤其适用于起始材料有限的情况,如活体组织检查样本、组织分离术样本、针吸活检样本、胚胎组织及病变组织样本等。优化的实验操作,显著地降低了非特异性扩增,这对有限的实验材料尤为重要。
3. 富集具有完整5′端序列的cDNA
专门设计的SMARTer Oligo 优先与新合成的cDNA 的5′端结合,可以富集具有完整5′端序列的cDNA,因此,可以获得全长基因序列或上游调控序列。
4. 不需要RNA预处理
SMARTer RACE方法不需要RNA预处理。可以采用总RNA,甚至是含有基因组DNA的RNA材料进行实验。
■ 制品特点
1. 低背景的完整RACE试剂盒
2. SMARTer技术合成完整的5′和3′端序列
3. 合成的第一链cDNA直接用于RACE PCR,无需接头连接
4. 只需10 ng总RNA
产品详情请点击:SMART 5’ RACE & 3’ RACE

页面更新:2021-12-25 08:56:33

PCR-Select Kits酶试剂盒Takara

PCR-Select Kits
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Clontech 637404 Clontech PCR-Select Bacterial Genome Subtraction Kit 7 Rxns ¥12,948 PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits
Clontech 637403 Clontech PCR-Select Differential Screening Kit Each ¥7,110 PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits
Clontech 637401 Clontech PCR-Select cDNA Subtraction Kit 7 Rxns ¥12,948 PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits
Clontech 637402 Clontech PCR-Select Differential Screening Blocking Solution 1 ml ¥3,750 PCR-Select Kits PCR-Select Kits
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有些基因在一个mRNA丰富表达,但在另一个mRNA表达量却很少。PCR-Select cDNA Subtraction Kit是选择性地扩增差异表达的基因的试剂盒。该试剂盒特别适合于目标cDNA的鉴定。对应于珍贵且难以转录的样品也能获得良好转录。与传统需要物理分离单链和双链的cDNA的其它方法相比,Clontech的PCR-Select方法可以只扩增您目的序列。
· 适用于分离新兴、差异表达的基因
· 可以富集大于1,000倍的稀有转录本
· 仅需2 μg poly A+ RNA
· cDNA消减过程只需3-4天
产品详情请点击:PCR-Select Kits

页面更新:2019-11-05 13:30:44

TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice™ Touch酶试剂盒Takara

TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice Touch
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara TP350 TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice Touch 1 System 询价 TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice™ Touch TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice™ Touch
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TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice™ Touch
■ 制品说明
TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler Dice Touch(Code No.: TP350)拥有紧凑的机身、宽大的触摸屏和高配置的加热模块,是一款性能优良的多功能96孔PCR仪。从主菜单进入向导模式(Wizard)之后,可以很便捷地编辑反应程序,并且能立即运行。
可设置最大24℃的梯度温差,摸索适宜的PCR反应条件将变得简单易行。具有Touchdown PCR、LD-PCR等功能,也能运行多种条件的PCR程序。非常小巧轻便,很适合个人使用。
■ 仪器特点
外形尺寸 180 (W) x 285 (D) x 205(H) mm
重量 5.0 kg
样品处理数 96 × 0.2 ml PCR管; 12 × 8连管; 1 × 96孔板
温控元件 Peltier元件
最大升温速度 3.0℃/秒以上
最大降温速度 2.5℃/秒以上
温度精度 ±0.5℃ (30.0℃-99.9℃)
温度均匀度 ±0.3℃ (30.0℃-99.9℃)
温控范围 4-99℃
热盖温度范围 60-115℃
操作界面显示 7英寸彩色触摸屏
储存程序数量 本机存储10,000个以上 (还可存储在USB闪存中)
梯度功能 梯度温控范围:4-99℃,梯度级数:12;梯度温差范围:0-24℃
电源电压 AC100-240V,50/60 Hz,5A(100V时)

页面更新:2020-06-12 14:39:55


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara 9148 TaKaRa PCR Micro Strip 8-Tube 120 strips ¥401 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara 9149 TaKaRa PCR Micro Strip 8-Cap 120 strips ¥401 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ200 0.2 ml Hi-Tube Dome Cap 1000 pcs ¥745 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ300 0.2 ml Hi-8-Tube 125 strips ¥1,350 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ301 0.2 ml Hi-8-Dome Cap 125 strips ¥296 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ302 0.2 ml Hi-8-Flat Cap 125 strips ¥473 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ710 96 well snap plate 10 plates ¥530 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ720 Flat cap for snap plate 120 strips ¥461 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ204 0.2 ml Single-Tube Dome Cap 1000 pcs ¥627 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
Takara NJ205 0.2 ml Single-Tube Flat Cap 1000 pcs ¥627 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
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■ 各反应管的适用PCR仪
0.2 ml single tube Dice Gradient
Dice Touch
制品名称 Code No. 反应液量* 反应液量*
 0.2 ml Hi-Tube Dome Cap NJ200 5~50 μl 5~50 μl
 0.2ml Single-Tube Dome Cap NJ204
 0.2ml Single-Tube Flat Cap NJ205
 *使用的反应液量少时,会出现反应结果不稳定的情况。Dice Gradient可以设置的最大反应液量是150 μl,Dice Touch可以设置的最大反应液量是100 μl,反应液量设置超过最大反应液量时,需要将Hold时间延长。
0.2ml 8联tube & cap Dice Gradient
Dice Touch
制品名称 Code No. 5 μl 10 μl 50 μl 5 μl 10 μl 50 μl
 0.2 ml Hi-8-Tube NJ300 ×
 0.2 ml Hi-8- Dome Cap NJ301
 0.2 ml Hi-8-Tube NJ300
 0.2 ml Hi-8-Flat Cap NJ302
 PCR Micro Strip 8-Tube 9148
 PCR Micro Strip 8-Cap 9149
Target:λ DNA 8 kb
试剂:TaKaRa Taq
94℃ 30 sec. PCR相关耗材 30 Cycles
65℃ 10 min.
 【注意】 0.2 ml Hi-Tube系列反应管和0.2 ml Hi 8联Tube系列反应管,可以用于SP。但不能用于MP、PERSONAL和GP,这3种PCR仪需要与TaKaRa PCR Micro Strip 8-Tube(Code No. 9148)及TaKaRa PCR Micro Strip 8-Cap(Code No. 9149)配套使用。
  专用Cap 适用PCR Thermal Cycler
TaKaRa 96 well PCR Hi-Plate
(Code No. NJ111)
TaKaRa PCR Hi-Caps
(Code No. NJ811)
96 well snap plate
(Code No. NJ710)
Flat cap for snap plate
(Code No. NJ720)
 【High grade type tube】
 【特长】 PCR相关耗材
· 无需灭菌处理
· Cap有圆顶和平顶两种
· Cap深入孔内的部分长,密封性更好
· Tube内壁不容易残留样品
0.2 ml Hi-Tube Dome Cap (Code No. NJ200)
PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
TaKaRa 96 well PCR Hi-Plate (Code No. NJ111) 96 well snap plate (Code No. NJ710)
RNase、DNase free(不需要灭菌*)
PCR相关耗材 PCR相关耗材
TaKaRa PCR Hi-Caps(8联) (Code No. NJ811) Flat cap for snap plate (Code No. NJ720)

页面更新:2019-12-23 14:50:59


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y00185 Cellartis® human iPS cell line P11025 Kit 1 Kit ¥23,632 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00275 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 7 (ChiPSC7) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00285 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 12 (ChiPSC12) Kit 1 kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00315 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 21 (ChiPSC21) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00325 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 22 (ChiPSC22) Kit 1 kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00305 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 18 (ChiPSC18) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
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(Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是达到了工业客户使用标准生产的干细胞产品。该产品包括细胞和用于增殖培养的Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系。iPS细胞已经在制品化时完成了对DEF-CS培养体系的适应。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系是组分明确而且不依赖饲养层的便捷的干细胞培养体系。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System适合高效率地增殖培养干细胞,并且保持干细胞在增殖过程中几乎无分化地生长,这使得不需要在大规模增殖培养过程中进行细胞筛选。因此,Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是一套完整的产品体系,对于科研级别和工业规模的需求都适合。
■ 产品特点
· Cell lines were created by reprogramming human skin fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-Myc
· Cell lines are extensively analyzed for purity and stem-cell characteristics, including recovery after thawing, absence of mycoplasma and bacteria, expression of stem cell-specific markers (Oct-4, NANOG, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81), absence of differentiation markers (Beta-3 tubulin, FOXA2, ASMA), and expected karyotype
· Optimized for culture with the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System
· Suitable for all major applications; cells can form derivatives of all three germ layers when differentiated
· Kits include the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y30010 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System 1 Kit
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞
Characteristics of Cellartis human iPS cells. The cell lines were generated from fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, Sox-2, KLF-4, and c-Myc. The skin fibroblasts were obtained from donors of varying age and gender, have a normal karyotype, and have been confirmed to differentiate into specific cell lineages. Consent was obtained from all donors for commercial use.
1. de Peppo GM, et al. Osteogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells and human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors: a tissue engineering perspective. Tissue Eng Part A.2010 Nov;16(11):3413-3426.
2. Both SK, et al. Differential bone-forming capacity of osteogenic cells from either embryonic stem cells or bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2011 Mar;5(3):180-190.
3. de Peppo GM, et al. Free-form-fabricated commercially pure Ti and Ti6A14V Porous Scaffolds support the growth of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:646417.Epub 2012 Jan 4.
4. Ou Li, et al. Human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells(hES-MSCs) engraft in vivo and support hematopoiesis without suppression immune function: implications for off –the shelf ES-MSC therapies. PLOS ONE.2013; 8(1):e55319.

页面更新:2019-12-25 10:11:30

Human iPS Cell Editing Systems酶试剂盒Takara

Human iPS Cell Editing Systems
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30021 Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Culture Media Kit 1 kit ¥7,860 Human iPS Cell Editing Systems Human iPS Cell Editing Systems Human iPS Cell Editing Systems
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Start-To-Finish hiPSC Editing and Single-Cell-Cloning Systems
人诱导多能干细胞(Human induced pluripotent stem cells,hiPSCs)是一个功能强大的研究工具和疾病模型,因为其具备增殖、自我更新、分化为多种细胞类型的能力。此外,人iPS细胞还可以再现细胞来源个体的疾病表型和基因型。将人iPS细胞结合基于CRISPR/Cas9的基因编辑技术,可以在同基因的细胞系中研究特定基因改变引起的功能影响,因为基因编辑过的人iPS细胞能提供可再生的、无遗传变异的患病细胞和健康细胞资源。
CRISPR/Cas9系统已经成为一个强大的基因编辑工具,因为其高的靶向特异性,编辑效率和易用性。该技术的强大主要源于它的简单,因为全部只需要一个Cas9核酸酶结合一个单链向导RNA(single guide RNA,sgRNA) 就可以决定靶向特异性(Jinek et al. 2012)。这种RNA编程的(RNA-programmable)方法利用了非同源末端连接(non-homologous end joining,NHEJ) DNA修复途径的易错特性,进而产生基因敲除(通过插入/删除)。这种方法也可以通过同源重组(homology-directed repair,HDR)途径被用于基因敲入。
CRISPR/Cas9系统的组件可以通过多种方法成功导入至靶细胞,包括基于载体的表达系统,RNA转染, 导入Cas9/sgRNA核糖核蛋白(ribonucleoprotein,RNP)复合物(Sander and Joung 2014)等。与基于载体的方法相比,直接导入Cas9/sgRNA RNPs提供了一种快速转入基因编辑实验的方法,同时脱靶效应的可能性更小(Kim et al. 2014)。
一旦Cas9/sgRNA RNP复合物被导入,为了分离和筛选感兴趣的基因型,单细胞必须被分离并扩增为克隆细胞系。传统上,从基因编辑的hiPS细胞建立一个克隆群是低效的、具有挑战性的和耗时的,因为hiPS 细胞是以集落生长和传代的。通常,这会导致细胞死亡和提前分化。然而,Cellartis单细胞克隆系统包含一个成分确定的培养系统(由基础培养基,包被剂,和添加剂组成),用于有效形成单细胞克隆和扩增基因编辑后的hiPSC克隆。DEF-CS culture system (Asplund et al. 2016)是一个基于单层培养的系统,规避了集落状培养带来的挑战,允许单细胞传代和促进接种的单细胞存活和后续扩增。
Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Culture Media Kit (Code No. Y30021) 是一个完整的,在无饲养层和成分确定条件下,用于hiPSCs有效扩增和扩大生产的系统。试剂盒包含了从接种单细胞至96孔板到扩增至48孔板过程中所有必要的试剂。单细胞克隆扩增后,hiPSCs可以使用Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Culture System (Code No. Y30010)继续培养。
通过电穿孔的方法对hiPSCs进行有效的基因编辑,Takara提供重组Cas9蛋白质和产生大量sgRNAs所有必要的试剂,用于电穿孔hiPSCs。后续与Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Culture Media Kit (Code No. Y30021)一起使用,用于进行基因编辑后的单细胞克隆形成和扩增。单细胞克隆扩增后,hiPSCs可以使用Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Culture System (Code No. Y30010)继续培养。
Gesicles法是一种无毒的、高效的、替代电穿孔的方法,不依赖昂贵的设备或耗材。通过Gesicle法导入Cas9/sgRNA复合物进行有效的基因编辑,Takara提供所有的必要试剂用于产生细胞衍生的纳米囊泡(Gesicles),来转导Cas9和sgRNA至hiPSCs。后续可与Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Culture Media Kit (Code No. Y30021)一起使用,用于进行基因编辑后的单细胞克隆形成和扩增。单细胞克隆扩增后,hiPSCs可以使用Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Culture System (Code No. Y30010)继续培养。
■ 产品特点
· Highly efficient gene editing in hiPSCs—use either electroporation or gesicles to deliver Cas9 protein and sgRNA with no genomic integration and reduced off-target effects
· Superior single-cell survival—edited hiPSCs exhibit high (typically ~50%) survival when seeded as single cells in a 96-well plate
· Maintenance of pluripotency after editing and during single-cell cloning—hiPSCs maintain high levels (>90%) of pluripotency markers Oct-4, TRA-1-60, and SSEA-4
· Stable karyotype from start to finish—maintain a normal and stable karyotype throughout editing, single-cell cloning, and expansion
· Flexibility to perform gene editing experiments your way—choose from complete kits that provide editing and single-cell cloning solutions using either electroporation-based or utilize the culture media kit (Code No. Y30021) to perform efficient single-cell cloning following your own editing experiments
· Continuous use of DEF-CS technology throughout gene editing/single-cell cloning experiments—use the Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Culture System (Code No. Y30010) before and during gene editing experiments, then during scale-up after single-cell cloning experiments
■ 产品组成
Cellartis® iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Culture Media Kit
(Code No. Y30021,1 kit)
· Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Basal Medium (Code No. Y30011; 500 ml)
· Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS COAT-1 (Code No. Y30018; 2 × 800 μl)
· Cellartis iPSC Single-Cell Cloning DEF-CS Additives
   (Code No. Y30019; 2 × 750 μl, 1 × 500 μl, 1 × 500 μl)
Guide-it™ sgRNA In Vitro Transcription Kit (632635; 1 kit)
Guide-it™ Recombinant Cas9 (Electroporation-Ready) (632641; 100 μg)
Guide-it™ CRISPR/Cas9 Gesicle Production System (632613;1 kit)
■ 产品应用
· CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing of hiPSCs
· Single-cell cloning of hiPSCs
· Disease modeling
■ 参考文献
Asplund, A. et al. One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rev. Reports 12, 90-104 (2016).
Jinek, M. et al. A Programmable Dual-RNA-Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity. Science 337, (2012).
Kim, S., Kim, D., Cho, S. W., Kim, J. & Kim, J.-S. Highly efficient RNA-guided genome editing in human cells via delivery of purified Cas9 ribonucleoproteins. Genome Res. 24, 1012-9 (2014).
Sander, J.-D. & Joung, J.-K. CRISPR-Cas9 systems for genomic editing, regulation and targeting. Nat. Biotechnol. 32, 347-55 (2014).
■ 产品详情请点击:Human iPS Cell Editing Systems
Human iPS Cell Editing Systems
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) growing in DEF-CS medium were edited with Cas9 and sgRNA specific to CD81. Pluripotency is maintained in edited human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) that have been seeded as single cells. 12 clonal lines created from single-seeded hiPSCs exhibit high levels of Oct-4 (97-99%), TRA-1-60 (98-99%), and SSEA-4 (98-99%).
  (图片来源于Takara Bio USA, Inc.)

页面更新:2022-02-11 16:10:36


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30012 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 COAT-1 4 ml 询价 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统
Cellartis Y30010 DEF-CS 500 1 Kit ¥5,979 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统
Cellartis Y30016 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Additives 1 set 询价 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统
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Human iPS和Human ES增殖用培养基
(DEF-CS Culture System, all-in-one format)
作为一款高端创新型的产品,Cellartis DEF-CS培养系统使得单细胞干细胞操作成为常规的操作。该产品是专门针对人类诱导干细胞(hiPS)和人类胚胎干细胞(hES)研发的高效率增殖用培养基产品体系。该产品系统为all-in-one型,包括了所有组分,客户不需要另外求购组分。该产品是成分确定的培养基产品,而且不需要饲养层。DEF-CS既可以实现单细胞培养,也可以用于传统的iPS培养模式以及大规模干细胞增殖。在使用DEF-CS培养基增殖干细胞时,几乎没有背景分化的问题,这使得细胞筛选不再必需。作为一款创新产品,利用DEF-CS培养干细胞时,可以使用酶消化法(enzymatic passaging)实现需要单细胞操作,这一特点十分有利于高通量细胞鉴别筛选(high-throughput screening)、转染(transfection)、框架接种(scaffold seeding)等。
■ 产品特点
· Feeder-free and chemically defined culture system for efficient expansion of human iPS cells
· Ideal system for culturing iPS cells; cells maintain pluripotency and long-term potential for self-renewal and differentiation
· Complete kit includes 500 ml basal medium, additives, and coating compound
· Robust system provides high reproducibility and stable growth
· Maintains cells in an undifferentiated state with virtually no background differentiation
■ 产品应用
· Scale-up and mass production of human iPS cells
· Single-cell culture of human iPS cells
· Transfection and reprogramming
· High-throughput screening
· Tissue engineering (seeding cells on a scaffold)
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞培养系统
Robust growth of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System. The number of iPS cells was quantified after being cultured for three weeks using either the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System, a reference feeder system, or four other stem cell culture systems.
1. Sivertsson, Louise, et al. "Hepatic differentiation and maturation of human embryonic stem cells cultured in a perfused three-dimensional bioreactor." Stem cells and development 22.4 (2012): 581-594.
2. Hanson, Charles, et al. "Transplantation of human embryonic stem cells onto a partially wounded human cornea in vitro." Acta ophthalmologica 91.2 (2013): 127-130.
3. Norrman, Karin, et al. "Distinct gene expression signatures in human embryonic stem cells differentiated towards definitive endoderm at single-cell level." Methods 59.1 (2013): 59-70.
4. Ulvestad, Maria, et al. "Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter protein profiles of hepatocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells." Biochemical pharmacology 86.5 (2013): 691-702.
5. Ramirez JM, et al. Side scatter intensity is highly heterogeneous in undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells and predicts clonogenic self-renewal. Stem Cells Dev.2013 Jun 15;22(12):1851-1860.
6. Borestrom, Cecilia, et al. “Footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells from articular cartilage with redifferentiation capacity: A first step toward a clinical-grade cell source.” Stem Cells Trans. Med. (2014) 3, 433-447.
7. Kia, Richard, et al. "MicroRNA-122: a novel hepatocyte-enriched in vitro marker of drug-induced cellular toxicity." Toxicological Sciences (2014): kfu269.
8. Valton, Julien, et al. "Efficient strategies for TALEN-mediated genome editing in mammalian cell lines."  Methods 69.2 (2014): 151-170.
9. Zandén, Carl, et al. "Stem cell responses to plasma surface modified electrospun polyurethane scaffolds." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 10.5 (2014): 949-958.
10. Asplund, Annika, et al. “One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying? Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells” Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2015)

页面更新:2020-02-14 15:54:03

人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统酶试剂盒Takara

人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30055 Cellartis® iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System 1 Kit ¥13,846 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
Cellartis Y30051 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium 100 ml ¥2,198 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
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(Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System)
以肝脏细胞为模型的实验越来越受到重视,在肝脏病变机理研究、药物代谢研究、药物毒理评估等方面有广阔的应用前景。然而,以个体原代肝细胞为材料来源会产生如取材困难、材料批间差大、无法长期稳定供应等一系列难以克服的问题。因此,通过iPS批量转化生产肝细胞的方法就显示出特别的优势。Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System可以稳定地、规模化地实现iPS向hepatocyte的诱导转化生产,而且诱导转化出的肝细胞能够稳定表达药物代谢相关酶系统和药物转运系统。
Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System是一套Do-It-Yourself系统,客户既可以对某个特殊病人来源的iPS实现转化,也可以利用cellartis供应的iPS进行标准化操作。使用本产品的过程起始于诱导人iPS转化成为确定性内胚层(Definitive Endoderm (DE))细胞,然后诱导转化DE至肝细胞。本产品是All-In-One型产品,实验所需的培养基、基质(coating)等包括在内。应用本产品转化约3 × 106 hiPS cells,可以获得约5 × 106 肝细胞(大约50 cm2面积的单层贴壁细胞)。
利用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System转化得到的肝细胞除了清晰表现出肝细胞的必备特征外(如肝细胞特异性标志物、CYP系列酶等),还保留了原始细胞供体者的遗传基因背景。另外,相比较从组织切除获得的原代肝脏细胞(通常需要低温保存),通过本产品系统转化获得的肝细胞在更长的时间跨度上保持着生理功能的稳定性。这一点对于毒理学评估和病毒感染评估具有显著的意义。为长时间维持培养hiPS转化而来的肝细胞,我们推荐Cellartis Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium (Cat. No. Y30051)。
关于Cellartis 卓越的iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation技术的专项说明,请点击:
■ 产品特点
· Highly reproducible, robust system—the exact same protocol has been shown to work across 25 different iPS cell lines, so no need to optimize for your lines.
· Ideal for drug metabolism and safety studies—consistently generate panels of >90% pure, functional, hiPS cell-derived hepatocytes with diverse genetic backgrounds.
· Customized starting materials—start with any disease-relevant iPS cell lines and create accurate liver disease models.
· Ready for personalized medicine—make patient-specific, disease-specific cells for therapeutic applications.
· Extended experimental window—hepatocytes can be used for a minimum of 11 days for functional tests.
■ 产品成分
· Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Y30020, not sold separately)
· Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit (Y30030, not sold separately)
· Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Y30050)
■ 产品详情请点击:人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
人 iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
Immunocytochemistry analysis of hepatocyte differentiation. hiPS cells were differentiated into functional hepatocytes using the Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System. Hepatocytes were immunostained to detect early hepatic markers HNF4α (red, nuclear) and CK18 (green) on days 14 and 21. As the hepatocytes matured, expression of liver-specific markers CYP3A (red, cytoplasmic) and Albumin (green) increased as seen on day 28, as expected. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue).
Asplund, Annika, et al.One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying? Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2015).

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:39:27

人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统酶试剂盒Takara

人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30035 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS Culture System 1 Kit ¥5,743 人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统 人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统
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(Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit)
The Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit用于定向分化hiPS获取definitive endoderm (DE) cells。本产品包含所有必需的培养基和coating材料。本产品还包括新一代的Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System用于起始hiPS的维持培养用。使用本产品获得的DE细胞,可以作为起始材料进行定向分化至内胚层来源的细胞类型(如肝细胞,胰腺细胞)。Cellartis也提供分化DE细胞获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat. No. Y30050);Cellartis也提供诱导分化hiPS获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)。
■ 产品特点
· Efficient differentiation—generates >80% SOX17-positive cells
· Robust protocol—successful definitive endoderm (DE) cell generation from more than 25 different hiPS cell lines
· Complete kit—media and ready-to-use coating for a seven-day protocol to reproducibly differentiate hiPS cells into DE cells
· Start with a homogeneous population of hiPS cells—kit includes the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System to maintain undifferentiated cells prior to the start of DE cell differentiation
■ 产品详情请点击:人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统
人 iPS细胞向定型内胚层细胞定向分化系统
mRNA expression profiles of definitive endoderm cells being generated from two hiPS cell lines (ChiPSC18 and P11025) using the Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS Culture Medium. These graphs track the relative temporal mRNA expression levels of various markers during differentiation from hiPS cells (starting on Day 0) into DE cells (by Day 7), as measured by RT-qPCR.

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:40:07


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30050 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 1 Kit ¥8,072 人定型内胚层细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人定型内胚层细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统 人定型内胚层细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
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(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit)
The Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit用于诱导内胚层细胞(definitive endoderm (DE))获取肝细胞。通过使用本产品获取的肝细胞表现出符合预期的代谢酶表达,从而可以用于药物代谢研究和毒理学筛选。本产品包含足够的维持培养基用于正常为期11天的实验。
The Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit可以对广泛来源的DE细胞进行定向分化:客户自己的DE细胞,或是Cellartis提供的标准化DE细胞,或是客户利用Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit获得的DE细胞。据估计,现在已经有28种发源于人类干细胞的DE细胞被成功测试可以使用本产品。特别地,如果客户是用于大规模、要求持续稳定获得肝细胞的相关用途,Cellartis推荐Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18),用作起始DE细胞材料,或是用作阳性对照品。如果客户要求的DE是来自于自有的样本材料(patient-specific, or disease-specific),建议使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)。
■ 产品特点
· Complete kit—includes four different media sets and a ready-to-use coating, sufficient for
   23-day protocol for differentiating definitive endoderm (DE) cells into hepatocytes
· Robust protocol—tested with more than 25 different stem cell lines
· Efficient differentiation—yields >90% pure hepatocytes
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y10040 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18) 1 Vial
Y30051 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium 100 ml
■ 产品详情请点击:人定型内胚层细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
Definitive endoderm (DE) cells were differentiated into hepatocytes using the Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit. The first field of view, labeled “Definitive Endoderm Day 7,” shows DE cells seven days after differentiation from human pluripotent cells. These DE cells became the starting material for the differentiation kit. The remaining progression from DE cells to hepatocytes shows the expected morphology over a 14-day time period. The morphological features present in the last field of view, labeled “Hepatocyte Day 21+,” continue stably past Day 21.

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:40:58


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10133 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC12) Kit 1 kit ¥21,173 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞
Cellartis Y10134 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC18) Kit 1 kit ¥21,173 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞
Cellartis Y10135 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC22) Kit 1 kit ¥21,173 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞 人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞
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Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 kits 提供了可持续供应的、成熟的人诱导多能干细胞(hiPS)来源的肝脏细胞。在超过14天的检测窗口期,hiPS-HEP细胞拥有功能性的药物代谢机制,使其成为体外药物研发、药物代谢、和相关毒性研究的理想选择;具备成熟、稳健的代谢特征,支持其作为代谢疾病模型。方便使用的试剂盒包括完全的培养基和组份,用于长期检测。与其他肝脏细胞模型相比,培养的Cellartis hiPS-HEP细胞存活时间更长,进而拥有更长的检测窗口用于慢性-毒性实验和作为代谢疾病模型研究。
■ 产品特点
· Complete kit for thawing, plating, and culturing the provided cells
· Highly homogeneous population with consistent performance between batches and over time
· Cells are functional and stable for a 14-day assay window
· Cells show long-term, stable CYP450 activities
· Cells express key hepatocyte proteins, including α1AT, Alb, CK18, HNF4α, and E-cadherin
· Cells secrete physiologically relevant levels of albumin and urea
· Cells demonstrate functional insulin and glucose regulation
· Cells show phase I and II enzyme activities
· Cells demonstrate LDL uptake
■ 产品组成
· 1 vial of ~1.2 × 107 cells
· Hepatocyte thawing medium
· Hepatocyte coating
· Hepatocyte plating medium
· Hepatocyte washing medium
· Hepatocyte long-term maintenance medium
■ 产品应用
· Toxicity testing, including chronic toxicity assays
· Drug discovery and development
· Metabolic studies
· Metabolic disease modeling
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞来源肝脏细胞
Cellartis 人iPS细胞来源的肝脏细胞可以作为长期的、可靠的肝脏疾病模型。
Cellartis human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived hepatocytes are a long-lasting, reliable liver disease model. Ideal for long-term studies, these mature, functional, pure hepatocytes allow you to generate consistent results with low batch-to-batch variability. Cellartis iPSC-derived hepatocytes can be used for extended culture significantly longer than human primary hepatocytes—allowing you to get more data from your chronic toxicity studies.
Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP cells可以稳定表达CYP450 活性超过21天。
CYP450 activity is stable in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells over 21 days. LC/MS was used to analyze CYP450 activity in cultured enhanced hiPS-HEP cells previously derived from the hiPS cell lines ChiPSC12, ChiPSC18, and ChiPSC22 (abbreviated as C12, C18, and C22). CYP3A (Panel A), CYP2C9 (Panel B), CYP1A (Panel C), and CYP2C19 (Panel D) activities in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells are stable over an extended culture time. Cryopreserved human primary hepatocytes (hphep), which are functional in culture for a significantly shorter time than enhanced hiPS-HEP cells, were thawed and cultured for 20 hours, and their data are shown as the black bar in each panel.
Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP细胞在20天的培养中表达白蛋白(Albumin)。
Albumin is present in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells through 20 days in culture. Panel A. Representative images of enhanced hiPS-HEP cells from human iPS cell line ChiPSC18 (C18) taken 12 days after thawing (right), compared to cryopreserved human primary hepatocytes (hphep) taken 24 hr after thawing (left). Cells were stained for albumin and DAPI. Panel B. Albumin secretion as measured by ELISA; n=2 for enhanced hiPS-HEP cells, with the exception of C18 at 20 days (n=1), and n=3 donors for hphep.
(以上图片均来源于Takara Bio USA, Inc.)
1. Heins et al. Stem Cells 2004; 22: 367-376.United States National Stem Cell Bank;
2. Mantel N et al. Potential markers of attenuation of YF virus after infection of stem cell-derived human hepatocytes with wild-type Asibi or live-attenuated YF17D virus.Supplement to The American Journal of tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 83, November 2010, Number 5, abstract 12.
3. Yildirimman R et al. Human embryonic stem cell derived hepatocyte-like cells as a tool for in vitro hazard assessment of chemical carcinogenicity. Toxicol. Sci. 2011 Dec; 124(2): 278-90.
4. Ulvestad M et al. Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter protein profi les of hepatocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2013 Sep 1; 86(5):691-702.

页面更新:2019-12-29 15:12:53


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10040 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18) 1 Vial ¥8,387 人iPS细胞来源定型内胚层细胞 人iPS细胞来源定型内胚层细胞 人iPS细胞来源定型内胚层细胞
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[Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18)]
Cellartis定型内胚层干细胞(DE cell)是从hiPS细胞株ChiPSC18经体外诱导分化得来。该产品中,大于90%的细胞显示表达SOX17蛋白。该产品为低温冷冻保存的细胞悬浮形式。本产品适合用于进一步诱导分化成为肝脏细胞类型或是胰脏细胞类型。特别地,Cellartis的肝脏细胞诱导分化试剂盒(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit,Cat. No. Y30050)适合用于DE向肝脏细胞类型的诱导分化工作。
■ 产品特点
· Definitive endoderm cells with >90% SOX17-positive cells
· Can be used for generating further-specified cells of endodermal origin, such as hepatocytes or pancreatic endoderm
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y10052 Cellartis® HEP Coat 3 ml
Y30012 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 COAT-1 4 ml
T303 iMatrix-511 2 × 175 μg
T304 iMatrix-511 6 × 175 μg
Y30050 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 1 Kit
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞来源定型内胚层细胞
Immunocytochemistry of Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18). Cells were thawed, cultured for two days, fixed, and stained for the pluripotency marker OCT4, the definitive endoderm marker SOX17, and the nuclear marker DAPI. Results show that more than 90% of the cell population are definitive endoderm cells and have lost pluripotency.

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:45:34


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y00275 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 7 (ChiPSC7) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00285 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 12 (ChiPSC12) Kit 1 kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00315 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 21 (ChiPSC21) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00325 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 22 (ChiPSC22) Kit 1 kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
Cellartis Y00305 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 18 (ChiPSC18) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,108 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞 人iPS细胞
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(Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是达到了工业客户使用标准生产的干细胞产品。该产品包括细胞和用于增殖培养的Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系。iPS细胞已经在制品化时完成了对DEF-CS培养体系的适应。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系是组分明确而且不依赖饲养层的便捷的干细胞培养体系。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System适合高效率地增殖培养干细胞,并且保持干细胞在增殖过程中几乎无分化地生长,这使得不需要在大规模增殖培养过程中进行细胞筛选。因此,Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是一套完整的产品体系,对于科研级别和工业规模的需求都适合。
■ 产品特点
· Cell lines were created by reprogramming human skin fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-Myc
· Cell lines are extensively analyzed for purity and stem-cell characteristics, including recovery after thawing, absence of mycoplasma and bacteria, expression of stem cell-specific markers (Oct-4, NANOG, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81), absence of differentiation markers (Beta-3 tubulin, FOXA2, ASMA), and expected karyotype
· Optimized for culture with the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System
· Suitable for all major applications; cells can form derivatives of all three germ layers when differentiated
· Kits include the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y30010 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System 1 Kit
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞
Characteristics of Cellartis human iPS cells. The cell lines were generated from fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, Sox-2, KLF-4, and c-Myc. The skin fibroblasts were obtained from donors of varying age and gender, have a normal karyotype, and have been confirmed to differentiate into specific cell lineages. Consent was obtained from all donors for commercial use.
1. de Peppo GM, et al. Osteogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells and human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors: a tissue engineering perspective. Tissue Eng Part A.2010 Nov;16(11):3413-3426.
2. Both SK, et al. Differential bone-forming capacity of osteogenic cells from either embryonic stem cells or bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2011 Mar;5(3):180-190.
3. de Peppo GM, et al. Free-form-fabricated commercially pure Ti and Ti6A14V Porous Scaffolds support the growth of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:646417.Epub 2012 Jan 4.
4. Ou Li, et al. Human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells(hES-MSCs) engraft in vivo and support hematopoiesis without suppression immune function: implications for off –the shelf ES-MSC therapies. PLOS ONE.2013; 8(1):e55319.

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:48:17


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30010 DEF-CS 500 1 Kit ¥5,979 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统 人iPS细胞培养系统
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Human iPS和Human ES增殖用培养基
(DEF-CS Culture System, all-in-one format)
作为一款高端创新型的产品,Cellartis DEF-CS培养系统使得单细胞干细胞操作成为常规的操作。该产品是专门针对人类诱导干细胞(hiPS)和人类胚胎干细胞(hES)研发的高效率增殖用培养基产品体系。该产品系统为all-in-one型,包括了所有组分,客户不需要另外求购组分。该产品是成分确定的培养基产品,而且不需要饲养层。DEF-CS既可以实现单细胞培养,也可以用于传统的iPS培养模式以及大规模干细胞增殖。在使用DEF-CS培养基增殖干细胞时,几乎没有背景分化的问题,这使得细胞筛选不再必需。作为一款创新产品,利用DEF-CS培养干细胞时,可以使用酶消化法(enzymatic passaging)实现需要单细胞操作,这一特点十分有利于高通量细胞鉴别筛选(high-throughput screening)、转染(transfection)、框架接种(scaffold seeding)等。
■ 产品特点
· Feeder-free and chemically defined culture system for efficient expansion of human iPS cells
· Ideal system for culturing iPS cells; cells maintain pluripotency and long-term potential for self-renewal and differentiation
· Complete kit includes 500 ml basal medium, additives, and coating compound
· Robust system provides high reproducibility and stable growth
· Maintains cells in an undifferentiated state with virtually no background differentiation
■ 产品应用
· Scale-up and mass production of human iPS cells
· Single-cell culture of human iPS cells
· Transfection and reprogramming
· High-throughput screening
· Tissue engineering (seeding cells on a scaffold)
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞培养系统
Robust growth of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System. The number of iPS cells was quantified after being cultured for three weeks using either the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System, a reference feeder system, or four other stem cell culture systems.
1. Sivertsson, Louise, et al. "Hepatic differentiation and maturation of human embryonic stem cells cultured in a perfused three-dimensional bioreactor." Stem cells and development 22.4 (2012): 581-594.
2. Hanson, Charles, et al. "Transplantation of human embryonic stem cells onto a partially wounded human cornea in vitro." Acta ophthalmologica 91.2 (2013): 127-130.
3. Norrman, Karin, et al. "Distinct gene expression signatures in human embryonic stem cells differentiated towards definitive endoderm at single-cell level." Methods 59.1 (2013): 59-70.
4. Ulvestad, Maria, et al. "Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter protein profiles of hepatocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells." Biochemical pharmacology 86.5 (2013): 691-702.
5. Ramirez JM, et al. Side scatter intensity is highly heterogeneous in undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells and predicts clonogenic self-renewal. Stem Cells Dev.2013 Jun 15;22(12):1851-1860.
6. Borestrom, Cecilia, et al. “Footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells from articular cartilage with redifferentiation capacity: A first step toward a clinical-grade cell source.” Stem Cells Trans. Med. (2014) 3, 433-447.
7. Kia, Richard, et al. "MicroRNA-122: a novel hepatocyte-enriched in vitro marker of drug-induced cellular toxicity." Toxicological Sciences (2014): kfu269.
8. Valton, Julien, et al. "Efficient strategies for TALEN-mediated genome editing in mammalian cell lines."  Methods 69.2 (2014): 151-170.
9. Zandén, Carl, et al. "Stem cell responses to plasma surface modified electrospun polyurethane scaffolds." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 10.5 (2014): 949-958.
10. Asplund, Annika, et al. “One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying? Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells” Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2015)

页面更新:2019-12-25 09:50:44